I'm in VIP and the dancer is facing the curtain while grinding away. I'm wearing flip-flops. She notices my toes curl, quickly stands up and says, "you're not going to get any of that shit on me!". Stopped me dead in my tracks.
The next dance I was about to explode and tried to stop my toes from curling but it ruined the moment. Ever try to keep from curling toes or stop other physical signs of your status during a dance or otherwise?
I was fucking this stripper in VIP and I noticed that her toes kept curling up when I was on the down stroke. When we were done I asked her about it and she said that I was in such a hurry that she didn't have time to remove her panty hose. :)
Just dig your toes into the floor and press on. Better yet, I like to grab them by the ears and pull that head down into my crotch. That way they can't see my toes curl and swallow the evidence.
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