I imagine Juice is asking his mom if he can have a $300 advance on his allowance and if she'll drive him to the nearest tattoo parlor as I type this.
Yet another reason to not fly!
As if flying was not one of the most miserable experiences known to mankind along comes the douche-bag patrol to make it worse.
If Snow White saw that tattoo she'd be saying: "Please Tell me it didn't hurt, Pinocchio. LIE TO ME!!"
last commentI imagine Juice is asking his mom if he can have a $300 advance on his allowance and if she'll drive him to the nearest tattoo parlor as I type this.
Yet another reason to not fly!
As if flying was not one of the most miserable experiences known to mankind along comes the douche-bag patrol to make it worse.
If Snow White saw that tattoo she'd be saying: "Please Tell me it didn't hurt, Pinocchio. LIE TO ME!!"