My first Middle Eastern stripper

avatar for MrDeuce

On a number of occasions I have stated my desire for lap dances from an Arab, Persian, or South Asian stripper. I knew they had to be out there somewhere, and I've looked in vain in a dozen+ visits to half a dozen Dearborn-area clubs. The closest I had come was a bunch of $5 lap dances followed by a BJ in the VIP room from a very attractive Armenian stripper in Austin last month.

I finally saw one on stage at Club 390 in Chicago Heights last Thursday night and just had to get dances from her. Her stage name was Persia and she had long curly brown hair with blonde streaks, a beautiful aquiline nose, and a bangin' bod. I tipped her at the main stage and again at a side stage and then took her back for a couple of $20 lappers. I even found out that I was kind of killing two birds with one stone in that she was half Iranian and half Lebanese.

The dances were quite enjoyable but ultimately unsatisfying because: (a) those large titties were rock-hard fakes (b) she didn't get me off. (A sweet and sexy black dancer took care of that at Jimmy's an hour or so later.)

What I really want is a BJ from a gorgeous, naturally stacked Middle Eastern or South Asian stripper. My quest continues . . .


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avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

I would suggest Toronto.

I haven't seen many "strippers" in Toronto but have run into several girls matching or description at the spas around the airport. I once had a session from a beautiful girl from Iran. She was great eye candy but our chemistry was horrible.

I met her here, although it's been several years: Google: airport golden spa Toronto

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 yrs ago

We had one girl from Iran. She called it Persia. She was nice and really smart. But developed crystal meth problem. She got in trouble with the law and with the IRS and with Child Protective Services over this.

But she was really interesting and I liked her. She was just one though. No other Middle-Easterners and no East Indians.


Oakland Hottie, I would stop and pick this one up! I love the way she is dressed, and the full hips!


Doxy Spotting, Brazil Hottie

Ciudad Juarez

Juarez, ass display!

Heaven on Earth The Rise and Fall of Socialism

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

You had me at beautiful aquiline nose. She sounds very nice indeed. :)

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