
Follies VIP Experience - Is it worth it??

Tuesday, May 10, 2016 2:17 PM
I visited Follies for the 4th time within the past 2 weeks. Within that time frame only one girl had asked me to go back to VIP with her. I asked is it worth it? she stated "i'll make you cum". Now she requested $200 for the experience but I am curious as to why none of the other girls asked or tried to up sell me to VIP. Is VIP seen as a badge of dishonor? Whats your thoughts on VIP and whats the percentage of girls in Follies that does extra in your opinion??


  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    I don't know, as I've never done it. But from what I've heard, it's definitely worth it. I can't speak for GACA, but I'd bet he'd say it's worth based on the fact that he did 6 (SIX) VIPs in ONE visit Who can blame him, tho? Follies is awesome. I'm gonna be doing my first VIP there in a couple weeks and I can't wait!
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I've not been to Follies, but it's my understanding that anything can be had for 150-200 in the VIP from pretty much any girl.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Absolutely fucking worth it :) The first time in VIP the girl asked if I brought a protection, I said no, so she went and got one for me.... Worth it. Like GoVikings said, I went 5 more times that day.
  • 72_os
    8 years ago
    DONT DO IT !!!! Follies pays ppl to post reviews !!! It's a scam You've been told
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    ^^juice stop being dumb
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    That's my experience too at Follies, many girls don't push VIP. But if you ask, the majority aim to please.
  • bubba267
    8 years ago
    JS69 is on the money. It helps if you know how to make the right conversation and "moves"
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    VIP/extras is not an exact science at most clubs - i.e. figuring out which girls do and which girls don't and how to go about it. First of all one can't be shy in a strip-club and think one will "offend a lady" by asking for sex in VIP - these girls get nude and allow strangers to grope them - so one it's not dealing w/ a local PTA meeting - strip-clubs are about sex and $$$. It's only natural for a custy to get aroused with a full-nude woman grinding on him and one groping on them - that is the nature of the process - dancers are supposed to get a custy sexually aroused so he'll want to spend $$$ - i.e. dancers know the custies will get sexually aroused and ask for sex; it's par of the course; they are used to-it and are often asked and they understand the deal; particularly in a club where extras occur. It is your $$$ you are spending in a strip-club so best to take control of the situation and try and get what you would like from your $$$ rather than expecting/hoping the dancers will give you exactly what you want; more often than not dancers rather do as little as possible to get as much of your $$$ as possible so a custy has to be his best/own agent. Open ended questions, "will it be worth it"; etc; will often get mixed-results - in business it's best to be direct and strip-clubs are primarily about business and everyone trying to get their pound of fle$h all the way down to the bathroom troll. Everyone may have a particular way they go about VIP/extras; my M.O. is: + I'll get some dances from her and see how freaky she is or how receptive she is to my "affections"/wandering-hands; if the dance is low-mileage and she does not like being groped (titties played with, etc) and her grinding is light to low grinding vs good-grinding; i will get the impression she is a dud in VIP although not saying this is 100% foolproof + fi she's naughty w/ her dances I'll whipser in her ear and ask her if she does VIP - if she says yes then I'll tell her what I want - i.e. I may ask her if she sucks w/o a condom; and if she fucks + if she say yes then I don't ask how much - I already have an idea of the going-rate more or less and will make a fair offer that we are both comfortable with - i may go a little higher if I think she's worth-it or stick to my guns and willing to let her walk if she does not accept the offer I'm comfortable with + I will also let her know ahead of time that i do not pay till the end (only pay the room fee upfront) - the best I'll do is show her I have the $$$ but I pay at the end This method may come across as crude but it's better to be to the point and they either do or they don't - and they won't get offended - this is not a prom or a dating-game - in certain strip-clubs one may be able to me more subtle but either way i tihnk it's best to lay the cards on the table - the dancers are not shy nor beat around the bush w.r.t. what they want ($$$) so neither should custies - too many times custies get pennies on the dollar b/c they don't know any better or are too "shy" to ask and the dancer walks away w/ all his $$$ and his left holding his dick in his hand.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    I did not consider that sitting with Shadow may have played a part in the girls behavior. They must have figured I already knew the drill and didn't try to play me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah - shadowcat will def attract the right kind of girls and he knows which girls do and which girls don't.
  • 2coolj5
    8 years ago
    Good advice I blew $900 over for visits and by far I could've gotten more mileage out of VIP. If I knew this upfront. I paid at least 4 girls more than $150 but will defiantly strategize better next time around. If anyone know of any black chicks level 8, 9 or 10 type chicks that go hard [view link] let me know.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    $150/chick? You do know dances are only $10 right? And if you wanna tip an extra $10 would suffice - maybe $20 tip if she goes way above & beyond.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    thanks for those tips you gave above chulo
  • 2coolj5
    8 years ago
    Yeah I was like getting 13 -15 dances at a time for the really nice ones. But I was geeking thou I admit it so the next time I will know the game. I wad tipping them like $20 bucks thou. One girl did however played me thou said she gave me 13 dances and I know it was less. I couldn't debate it. I just gave her the money and bounced.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    2coolj5, what's the worst that could have happened? The worst is that you spend $200 and don't get much in the VIP. It sounds like you spent $900 over 4(?) visits so you were in the zone of $200 per visit anyway. But it also sounds like you weren't getting much. Based on the reviews here there was little risk. Something brilliant would have happened! But I would have spent the $200 pretty much anywhere. It's not like $200 is serious money. In fact, it about what you're spending anyway. Just splurge and see if something brilliant happens! ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... One girl did however played me thou said she gave me 13 dances and I know it was less. I couldn't debate it. I just gave her the money ..." That's bound to happen in a club that: + it's not exactly upscale + where there are dozens and dozens of dancers thus more chance of running into ROBs + only $j10 dances so dancers may feel more apt to over-count to make $$$ I don't mind spending $$$ but hate getting ripped-off - thus why my M.O. is to tell a dancer to let me know every time she is starting a new song that way I can keep count and she knows I'm keeping count,
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    and BTW - just b/c one is upfront/proactive about asking for VIP (sex, BJ) does not necessarily mean one will score often or most of the time - just means one gives themselves a greater chance.
  • 2coolj5
    8 years ago
    Earlier post was typed on my cell phone so hella mistakes. But I was rocking with three baddest black chicks I seen in there. When they started that mouthpiece they had me sprung. Next thing I know it's been over a hour of table dances. Maybe I should sample then say I'm looking for VIP treatment? I got five numbers thou and I had each send me a pic so I.could remember who they were.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    If they are giving your their # then I would think they play - although they sometimes just do-it to get regulars to come see them at the club and buy dances from them.
  • GACA
    8 years ago
    Subra and others make the point of just coming in clean and dressed decent-looking, I'm pretty playful with them, it really didn't seem like extras was a big deal to get. But again I was sitting with Shadow so I'm sure I had more credibility going in than if I had been there alone. So pretty much knew I wasn't LE or a creeper I guess.
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