Of course not. The opinion of a person with more knowledge, education or experience on the relevant topic should be ebtitled to more weight than the opinion of someone who is ignorant like SJG or immature like chessmaster.
Of course not. Informed opinion carries much more weight than uninformed if one is trying to make a decision on an issue. The only thing useful about an uninformed opinion is what ignorant people think about the subject, and unless the subject deals with a vast amount of ignorant people, I wouldn't put much stock in it. Maybe in politics uninformed opinion counts since Trump is certainly benefiting from it, but in most of life it's always better to have trusted, informed people counseling you. Not raving idiots.
"Of course not. Informed opinion carries much more weight than uninformed if one is trying to make a decision on an issue. The only thing useful about an uninformed opinion is what ignorant people think about the subject, and unless the subject deals with a vast amount of ignorant people, I wouldn't put much stock in it."
Exactly why nothing you say matters sport.
Hate to be the one to break the news to you, lol.
Well I could have called you fuckhead or dick breath or faggot or moron, but I thought I would cut you a little slack. But once again you prove that you're too oblivious. Just sip some more Kool Aid and go back to your imaginary utopia.
IMO when a person's opinion brings harm to others, either physically, psychologically or economically, then their opinion is not only of lesser weight, but potentially dangerous as well.
Sometimes even the same opinion is not equally valid. You could support Bernie Sanders because you think a higher minimum wage because will have very limited harmful effects due to macroeconomic factors. You could support Bernie Sanders because you want everything to be free and he'll make a good start. With opinions, the road taken is as important as the destination.
Exactly why nothing you say matters sport.
Hate to be the one to break the news to you, lol.
You can do what all good libs do, pout, whine, and blame Bush! Lol
Facts have validity.
Opinions may or may not have merit, be logical, substantiated or agreeable.