
A good week

layin low but staying high
First, a sex date with the new one. I'm about 80% sure she'll be DS III. So fucking young and hawt.

Second, a trip to Follies on Wednesday. I'm bringing tissues.

Third, on Friday, I have a date with the DS. She answered my texts. She loves me. She wants my money. I want all of her.

Fourth, I've got enough weed to keep a hundred people high for a week. Hell, all of that weed would keep Heck high for five hours.

Fifth, I've got more MILFS and strippers than I've got days. My only problem is to keep them all straight, and add days to the calendar so I can see them all.

Sixth, I've gotta list of at least a hundred MILFS in on line dating. If I ever get bored or somehow find spare time, they're everywhere.

Last, but certainly not last, the stripper supply is endless. Seriously there are several new girls every week. Sure I don't care for most but with that many there's bound to be some of em to pursue. And I'm running a new potential DS every 6 months. Most won''t pan out but I can't handle many.

Anybody else got a good week coming up. Tell the story. Or quit working so hard and get laid.


  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Good week indeed JS.

    Do you live in a state where pot is legalized?
    I think your DS got you into pot. Maybe that's why you lover her so much :-)
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    *love not lover
  • WetWilly
    9 years ago
    You're on a serious roll !
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Yep it was a good one. Played countless hours of poker and made great profits. Spent good quality time with my kids. Fucked the shit out of my civi GF. Lined up some future OTC near the end of March with a clean stripper I've been dying to fuck
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    I'm interested in trying pot just to see how it feels like.

    How do you like to smoke it?

    What would you give up first, pot or DS?

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    My state makes weed very illegal. No medical marijuana. Strict penalties for the good shit that I consume. The state where the DS lives is even more strict. We could both get prison even for a first offense in our states.

    But she doesn't give a shit, and neither do I. No law would ever make me or her stop, any more than you guys would stop fucking strippers for money because it's against the law. It's very easy to disguise weed as long as I never have to take a drug test. I travel with it everywhere--0 problems. I'm high in clubs, anywhere I want. I will never stop until I'm dead. And I want a vape in my casket.

    The DS is another story. She's an easy target for a cop to spot. She won't follow my legal advice to stay out of trouble. But I will get her out of any legal problems. I will always take care of her if she asks. Pathetic I know but I'm in love. Teaching me to love weed is only one of innumerable reasons why I feel this for her.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    Dream Civvy and I are going to fuck Tuesday during work hours. Still figuring out where.

    Dream Civvy wants another threesome. Free Stripper has made it clear that was a one time, bucket list thing. I'm working on prospects for us.

    There's a milf at work who has all but told me she wants to fuck. I'm going to play it safe and not fuck where I eat, but it's nice to know she wants my dick.

    I'll go see CF Friday at the club.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    Juice is a father? Well, I'll be. Did not know that.

    Bavarian, gotta use a bong. Definitely with clean water in it and preferably with cold water. So much more enjoyable that way.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Bav, I prefer edibles when possible. But they have a very strong and long lasting high so they aren't always feasible. If not I use a great vape with a wax dab that has no smell or smoke and is virtually undetectable. It gives a very pleasant high that lasts a couple of hours. You can get extremely high if you vape too much of my concentrate though.bOnly with the DS and Heck do I every smoke weed. We smoke either a joint, blunt, pipe or bowl.

    If you need me to explain what all of that means, PM me or post a question tomorrow when I'm not so high. I like teaching newbie potheads.

    I can't choose between the DS and weed. Seriously I love them both equally. I can't choose. Can I play Solomon and split the baby?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Onion, bongs are ancient technology. Vapes and good, consistent edibles are the wave of the future. And best of all you can use them both to get high in clubs or anywhere. Try taking a bong to a strip club and try to get in. Except for Follies of course, bongs welcome there.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    Yeah, bongs are strictly for home use. Not gonna be carrying it around with you.
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    John, I don't give a rat's ass about what you are planning to do. I only want to hear about it afterwards. File a full report or it didn't happen.

    Have fun...
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    I'm married to my dream civvi otherwise I would go to the club more, too!

    That and I'm $$ constrained which means I have the other problem. I need to get laid less and work harder more often. Oh well.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Yesterday I helped my ATF move from one guys couch to another guys living room. Friends from rehab visits past. As I handed her the last trash bag filled with her meager belongings, she handed me a small device and said hang onto this. We'll have fun with it later this week. As I walked back to my car I looked at the banana sized vibrator/dildo she had handed me.
    Tonight I'm taking a 26 year old former stripper out for coffee and some road head. She's had some serious health issues lately and concerns of esophageal growths continue to plague her, but she sent me a text last night saying, I'm doing better. I can swallow now. Are those the words we all like to hear or whatever?
    Tomorrow I'm taking my CF for a driving lesson and I was thinking of taking her to a shooting range and let her get some practice with a .22 pistol, then back to her apartment for a full workout.
    Yes, JS69, a good week.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    Gawker, you need to write a book. Your stories are more interesting than most movies.

    I don't see any sex on the calendar for me this week, but all of my orders are filling and I just made about $1,500 this morning, so it's turning out to be a good start to the week. Think I'll have to go hand a few dolla dolla bills to some hot spinner this week at a local SC.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    A decent week. I'm trying to decide between the lesbians I found on CraigsList, or the blow job queen who *likes* having her head pushed down all the way, or taking another trip out west to visit the ATF. Haven't met the lesbians at all yet, though others claim they're good, and they're only $200 for everything but anal, which I ain't interested in anyway.
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    Gmd - sounds as though you are going to have a good week! You have some excellent choices.

    JS69 - wow! It must be difficult keeping all the OTC girls names straight! Enjoy your week!

    I know my week sucks - as I'm just looking forward to 70 degree temps -
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @Cashman1234: Well, two of those are definitely excellent.

    WRT the lesbians, if there's anything I've learned about meeting people off CL, it's they it's a crapshoot, no matter how many people say it's good. Couple that with a tendency to temper my expectations with *anyone* new, and I'll reserve judgement. :)
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