How I knew I was a Frotteur

avatar for LDKisLife
For us LDKers, there's a spectrum of Frotteurist that we embrace with pride (even those that intentionally empty the bullets out of the gun to avoid friendly fire).

These videos capture my nightclub experience since my adolescents (it's a cultural thing). And for those intelsexuals, it's called outer course.………


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I dont masturbate but these videos are inspiration. Just YouTube "Roll Me Up" there are 30min to hour long videos of straight LDK worthy dances.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Thats right, you need to be the one doing the pounding with the hot sausage
I just looked up that term and it seems to refer to molestation pretty much. I wouldn't call it molestation if the stripper allows you to do so.
LDK - Same here. Gets the mind right. Though I'm going to make better vids with my s/o in the future. (If only YouTube was invented a decade ago).

Ha, frottage has an entirely different meaning in massage...
Estafador - There's a spectrum. I enjoy the pleasure so much that I dont have to be at a party. I used to call friends over like an on call stripper civvie to grind me out til I busted before they left. They obliged because of the rapport we had and respected that I wasnt calling them over for sex, but rather just to "dance" and chill so they were comfortable.

I use the term because it's my motivation for going to a party and I van go solo and not care to socialize. But I'm not someone that will have dick out on the train, or in a crowd of people .

But as you see in the videos, the socially acceptable "dancing" is in fact a form of groping and molestation by act but is exempted by context.

A guy putting his erect penis between a girls buttcheeks is called dancing or molestation? On a subway, molestation. At a party, dancing.

Ah, I see what estafador is saying -- the first internet definitions that pop up emphasize that frotteur implies someone who does this with a NON-consenting person. INterestingly, definitions of "Frottage" do not seem to connote a non-consenting person at all. In the bodyrub world, "frottage" is used to mean the massage girl rubbing her (usually unclothed) pussy up and down the client's penis. Way too risky a practice for me, but "frottage" definitely does NOT imply non-consensual contact there.
Still it sure seems weird not in a good way.
Subraman - Duly noted. The "frott" implies the rubbing more than the "Non- consent". The reason I use this term especially in the context of party, there's a generally assumed consent to dance though an initiation or offer can be made nonverbally and accepted or rejected in the same manner. However, there's no official acquisition of consent to LDK (SC aside). Thus technically the nonconset clause is upheld.

However, there's no socially acceptable explanation for sustained frottage on a subway train (as NYC MTA reminds the public). Yet try the "see something say something " at a club regarding frottage and it falls on deaf ears given atmosphere.
Twentyfive - of course it's weird. No denying. Yet fetish in general has an element of weird. But if you view the videos, you'll see it's not too farfetched to imagine a person having an erect penis in such setting. Where there's erection there's possibility of ejaculation
They also know it's patient by patient…
Psychiatric and behavorial therapy are the mentioned treatments. But if masturbation isn't of interest and regular FS can't occur daily with s/o, SC and parties become viable and socially acceptable outlets to best nullify nonconsent.

The "traditional" frotteur is as such…
In Japan terminology, my outlet of such parties constitutes as chikans meeting chigos…
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