
Sexual politics

Whether you are for Dick N Bush or for Lick Bush Beat Dick, do you think your vote will matter? Have you even bothered to register to vote?

I have personally voted for president every chance I've had even though I don't think my vote will change anything. Although if the entire 30% of the unregistered people in my state ever got together, we could really change things. Seems like there are enough people going to strip clubs who enjoy them that they could actually vote into office people who will no longer attack strip clubs so strongly. Even so I doubt I will ever hear of the strip club vote as being a significant voting block. I would vote to remove the stupid laws about clubs being restricted if within so many miles of this or that. I would vote to remove stupid blue laws where beer can't be sold on Sunday. So many stupid laws have been created by our current and past politicians.

1 comment

  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    Club owners could have a significant impact if they got together and put money behind the right candidates. Politicians respond to two things, money and votes--in that order. So, use the money as a form of speech. The Supreme Court says it is. A Mayor, committed to a "live and let live" policy towards strip clubs could go a long away to helping the industry improve its image. Of course, the clubs would have to engage in self-policing and discipline that it all too rare. Get behind the right candidate early with big money, get the customers to help out, show that clubs will not allow customer conduct to create a crime problem, and, eventually, "live and let live" will take hold. Thirty years ago, the idea of casino gambling outside of Las Vegas was unthinkable. Now look. As Cindi Lauper said, "Money Changes Everything."
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