Anyone here from Missouri?
I live in the St. Louis metro area and have only been to Big Louies, any other places? Maybe East St. Louis in Illinois? I dont feel like traveling 2+ hours just to go to a strip club...also maybe someplace with a little more action (hint, hint) :-D
If you want more of a bar feel and cheaper dances, try Brooklyn (Roxy's and Platinum Club). Cross the 64/40 bridge. When it splits take 64. Take the first exit after the split and turn right. Take this road to Brooklyn (about 10 minutes and don't speed).
You can also take 64 to Washington Park and visit the Hustler club or Hollywood.
I prefer Sports, Roxy's, and the Platinum Club. The cover for one gets you admission to all of them so you might want to give them all a try and see what you like.