First time Atlanta experience
Hopefully my work will bring me to Atlanta for a day or two. Within the next couple of weeks. Now in my last review of Scores in Savannah, I told you'll that the girl told me she was from Atlanta and she said she was the best of the best, I wasn't impressed. Now I have read the reviews and heard from word of mouth that Atlanta is the top of the line when it comes to mileage at SC. I need my first experience, if my work sends me to Atlanta, to be memorable. So yes my lazy ass will go re read the reviews, but still if ya boy was about to come to town and you wanted him to have a great time. Which club would you take him to that would represent the full Atlanta experience that I keep hearing about. Because if that girl represented Atlanta, I'm not impressed. And remember I'm in a wheelchair. I'm strong as hell, but still it needs to be accessible.
Per my limited experience Follies is pretty much the lone exception w.r.t good mileage – Follies dayshift is mixed (about 70% white; 20% black; and 10% Latina) and nighttimes becomes mostly AA (~80% black; 15% white; 5% Latina).
Follies has great full-nude 2-way-contact $10 floor-dances and many girls will deliver in VIP for a good price (going rate in VIP is $152; $100 for dancer $52 room-fee but some girls will ask for more).
Club is not too big and since it's sorta the best game in town contact-dances wise; it gets very busy – on dayshift best to get there b/f 4:00 pm but even by 1:00 there are a good # of dancers to keep you entertained.
Nightshfit I would def get there b/f 11:00 pm and probably best to get there by 9:30 or 10:00 pm since it becomes a madhouse.
I've only visited ATL a couple of times and perhaps the locals can add a bit more info.
I think you are somewhat into black clubs – if you want chocolate then in addition to Follies (especially nightshift) there is also Blaze; Babes; and Pin Ups which are pretty good (there are lots of black clubs with some supa-fine ebony honeys in ATL but many of those clubs are no-touch air-dance clubs b/c of local ordinances).
Papi Is correct. You will need to separate advice from those that club in a liberal SC area and those that don't.