
Do some dancers have trouble taking a hint?

Sunday, April 26, 2015 9:04 AM
That's easy. Yes. One quite overweight dancer I bet I haven't seen in 10 or 12 years came up to me and said I used to dance for you all the time, let's go. I told her maybe later. She still didn't leave. Then I told her I just got there and didn't want any dances. A few minutes later, she's back. Maybe it was only a few years ago and just seems like in a past life when she last danced for me. I do not remember her quite so large. I like thinner or fit dancers a lot more than very overweight. A little overweight is no big deal breaker but when it becomes very obvious with clothes on, no thanks. Some guys like it. It turns me off.


  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    Sometimes it's tough to get them to leave. My standard line is "I am waiting for someone". Had more than one ask for a tip (unsuccessful) just to talk to me when I didn't want her company anyway.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Some of them don't understand which part of NO you are speaking. I find it really tough to say no to dancers that I used to get dances from before they got FAT. I say no and they ask why.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    I have been known to give her a sympathy dance if my current ATF said the large girl was having a bad night. But that was such a long time and lbs ago.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    To give you some tough love, I think weasel words like "maybe later" tell her you're weak, and that if she is persistent, she might break you. And, honestly, I kind of agree with her ... if you don't have the guts to just tell her no, and use passive aggressive verbal techniques instead, you're fair game and she probably gets weak guys to cave to aggressive sales tactics often enough for it to be worth a shot -- if I were her, I might do the same thing. I usually smile and say "no thanks" pretty directly. I mostly go to low-hustle clubs, but when I go to higher-hustle clubs, or run into an unusually aggressive saleswoman at a low-hustle clubs, I just repeat it -- "thank you anyway, no thanks" -- and they go away. I don't view this as a particularly stressful situation, she's in sales, if she wants to make me say no 3 times, or whatever the latest hot sales self-help book says, I'm fine doing it, I say it with a smile. So, my suggestions: 1. be polite and direct with your response, and 2. don't stress out over a salesperson being a little aggressive, just go back to rule 1
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm not that much into sympathy dances if the dancer might hurt me if she sits on me.
  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    If I just arrived and am not interested I will tell the girl I just got here and was wanting to drink some first. If I have been at the club for a while I would just say I am waiting for my regular, which may or may not be the case.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I find that when I say I'm waiting for a dancer I am often challenged to say who Im waiting for either because they don't believe me or they think they're better than whoever I want. I've had this conversation at least a dozen times recently: Would you like some company. No thanks I'm waiting on someone Really, who are you waiting for I'm waiting for DS Really? She's beautiful. Ok. They sulk away in recognition of the fact that they could never compete.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    JS, in yet another one possibly for the "Subraman is a dick" file, I have to admit sometimes I play with them back. Like I said, this is not a stressful situation for me, I like talking to almost all the dancers (although when I first started strip clubbing, this type of interaction was terribly stressful for me). In your scenario, what I'll commonly do is: Her: Would you like some company? Me: No thanks, I'm waiting for someone (I actually usually say their name, and do say "no thanks" before I say anything else) Her: Oh, who are you waiting for? (as far as I'm concerned, she's now consented to a longer conversation, for free) Me: Who do you think? Who is my type? (I NEVER answer the dancer's questions or allow her to control the conversation: I answer her question with a question, and she either answers or GTFO) Her: ... (she either plays along and we laugh our way through, or realizes I'm wasting her time and excuses herself) For me, like I said, I don't mind these interactions at all, I just make sure to take control quickly -- I do not have any problem out-thinking a twenty-something-year-old on verbal judo. And sometimes, we have these conversations and I realize the stripper has a delightful personality ... I've ended up passing them onto my friends who might like her bodytype better and now I've screened her for attitude, I've ended up in drinking-buddy relationships ITC club with a bunch of them. To me, there's no downside to being on good terms with everyone in the club, even girls who I won't dance with. I realize some of you think this is a complete waste of time and don't want any interaction with anyone except your girl-of-choice for the day. This is just my thing, not better or worse.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Shark... just slap the side and ride the tide...
  • IntegraGSR
    9 years ago
    When someone I am really not interested in approaches, I just wave both my hands as she approaches to indicate I am not interested, while shaking my head, and saying "No Thanks" out loud. This has worked 100% of the time.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @JS69: I laughed when I read your note. I have had virtually that exact conversation with dancers at the MILF's club. :) And some of the girls have apparently gotten similar from her other customers, some of whose are apparently not as polite as me.
  • Ironcat
    9 years ago
    I always say I am waiting for someone, and since I usually do an afternoon visit (which in my favorite club means regulars hooking up with dancers), the dancer usually moves on. If the dancer asks who I am waiting for I usually say "I'd rather not say". Some accept this while others take some sort of offense to it. I had one gal who recently said "well it doesn't matter if you tell me or not, sooner or later I'll find out". My response was "Look, I come here to meet up with certain dancers and have a good time. I don't come her to be interrogated" - needly to say she stomped off in a huff, but at least she quit bothering me.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Well she wasn't bothering me that much. As far as saying no thanks it does not work for me all the time. I just got used to a string of dancers walking off and not coming back again.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Shark, you could always say something like, "I just popped in from an alternate universe in my own mind, and, boy, are my tentacles tired." If that doesn't get her to inch away, I don't know what would. Course, once word got out, a lot of the dancers might keep away from you, too.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    sc, RE: fatty and, "I say no and they ask why." That's easy. Just reach out and pinch the gut and give it a shake, then duck!
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The dancer would probably have trouble hearing me if I said all that and might think I said something else. Music is always too loud when you are trying to talk in some clubs. Not really a problem though. The club probably won't be open much longer anyway. I think if laws don't change, people could eventually get riled up by females performing simulated sexual acts in public and all they are doing is eating a hot dog or banana. I heard a few years ago about some guys playing poker with a few dollars exchanged. Only a few dollars, not hundreds or anything. The police found out and raided the poker game. It was at someone's house. I thought then that this is a total waste of taxpayer money enforcing laws like that. About the same time I found out there is a law in South Carolina against playing any game with dice based on chance. Just think, I could get arrested for playing Yahtzee. If I pitched in a few quarters and threw a party inviting others, the police could do a raid and arrest us all being the great threat to the public we would be.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    In the last several years visiting Platinum Plus, I have never seen anyone engaging in sex in the open or in the lap dance rooms. I never even saw a single bj in the last several years in the club. Does anyone think I'm an undercover cop? No. Bouncers walk around all the time and I believe they have security cameras on all the time. I could claim I could get excited watching simulated sexual acts by females at a hot dog stand. Oooh, watch those hot girls eating that hot dog. :) A prosecutor could shut down that hot dog stand.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Of course on one hand, prosecutors are fine with calling everyone visiting a strip club trash. Then turn around and be willing to take as the word of God any employee in the strip club, dancers included who say they saw something. If they keep hiring a bunch of fat dancers, I won't want to visit anymore.
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