What do you think of strippers who LIE and MANIPULATE in order to make MONEY? Should they be allowed to continue this behavior? What do you think should be done about this? If a stripper LIES about LIKING a customer whom she actually HATES, what should that customer do? What about strippers who, through LYING, have created a lifestyle for themselves that they COULD NOT AFFORD if they did not LIE?
first off lets use some common sense here when you enter ANY strip club you always go to the manger on that shift and get the run down of HOW everything works from drinks " for the ladies" to lap dances!!! and if the dancer has nothing to hide she can take you right in front of her manger and give the person the run down of everything right from the start and there is NO misunderstanding from either side right from the start!!
That's the way many dancers operate! Not all dancers. There are many nice and honest dancers.
The problem is - those some dancers lie about the dance/drink prices, don't provide what they promise during the lap dances.
I would say cut your losses immediately, and move on to other dancers and/or other clubs. We should never spend any money on dancers who cheat on us the customers.
The problem is - those some dancers lie about the dance/drink prices, don't provide what they promise during the lap dances.
I would say cut your losses immediately, and move on to other dancers and/or other clubs. We should never spend any money on dancers who cheat on us the customers.