
what to wear at a strip club?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 11:23 AM
What is the best attire for a stirp club? How do you prepare in advance for laps? I never wear underwear, but a stripper told me I should (for some reason I don't remember). Also, shorts are probably preferred, but in colder weather not advisable but still certainly blue jeans are out. Condoms are good if you think you have a shot at extras, but why not bring an old sock instead if you're just getting a HJ and don't want wet spots?? Someone here said he put a condom on for a HJ - I like my sock idea better. Condoms are big bucks! :) How about shirts? Short sleeves or work shirts, which unbutton easily? I'm sure we can learn some great ideas on this topic!!


  • footballguy
    9 years ago
    Some strip clubs have dress codes, but in general you have the right idea. Avoid jeans, but plenty of guys still wears jeans and a t shirt. I prefer khakis and a soft polo shirt. If you dress nice you will get more attention in general, the dancers will notice and appreciate that you put in some effort to look good. You also may want darker colored pants, they hide stains better if you LDK. I've seen some guys wear basketball shorts, but it can send the wrong message to dancers. They may view it as you being desperate a LDK or them reaching into your shorts. I guess cargo shorts could be ok but I would wear boxers underneath. Dancers view a guy that doesn't wear underwear or boxers as a little creepy. You think condoms are expensive? You can get a pack of three Trojans for a couple bucks. I would avoid the sock. If you cum in your pants your shirt might cover it and if not it's usually dark enough that no one really notices. You could also put a couple paper towels in your pocket if you anticipate a HJ/BJ, some dancers even bring wet wipes into the VIP room with them. As far as a button up or regular short, it doesn't really matter. Some dancers might i bottom your shirt but I've also had some just lift my shirt up so they could put their tits on my bare chest.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    Not jeans, not belts. Personally I wouldn't go in shorts but I can understand why some do.
  • LeeH
    9 years ago
    * Commando, of course. * Micro-fiber slacks They feel almost like satin, so very grindable. * Button shirt - Doesn't have to be a dress shirt, though that will help you stand out to the dancers. I always wear them, as there are many dancers who will start undoing buttons on my shirt, even when they're on stage.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I always go commando and wear nylon shorts 99% of the time. So far this year I have not worn long pants. I can make it from my car to the club door in 20 seconds without running. So as long as it is above freezing, I'll wear my shorts. Everybody knows I wear sexually explicit or suggestive t-shirts. Last Saturday I wore :Vaginas are super cool". The dancers love my shirts. They come by just to see what I am wearing today. If they get in my good graces, I give them similar t-shirts too. Oh and I do wear socks too but on my feet.
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^ agreed. I hate wearing long pants period. Shorts offer easy access up the leg. I like button up rayon Hawaiian shirts too. The girls seem to like them and they feel good on your skin.
  • slickwilliam
    9 years ago
    I like a good LDK as much as the next guy (presuming the next guy is LDK). I'm for looking good, at least more professional than most of the rabble. Dress pants/slacks; if I'm not at my extras place, I'll wear silks (silk baselayer) underneath instead of regular underwear (don't care for commando). Forget the sock, papertowel or condom- use a sandwich bag (300 for $2.00); no wet spots, so thin you won't know it's there. Either will she.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    OP: "what to wear at a strip club?" Some people still haven't read The System? What do I have to do? Bump it another 500 times?
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    A polyester suit, preferably white. Get with the program people!
  • devl_dawgg
    9 years ago
    I go after work wearing slacks and a button down shirt and always get comments from dancers about how nice I look. They lie because I'm old and bald!. My weekend attire is a Hawaiian shirt and shorts. Easy access!
  • BuckMcNutter
    9 years ago
    i wear the BLack silky under-armor shorts and commando... Most dancers smile and say "you came prepared" ... They love to reach under and play with my boy... SOme have put it in their mouth just in lap dance rooms. ... had a few over the years that said it was creepy. Spearmint Rhino won't let me in with them. Bouncers call them Boner Shorts... Funny , cause that place is a dump.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    Knightline, "Joined Sep 1999" Really? This has likely been covered a dozen times in your 15-16 years on here. Not paying attention or just old, like me? :)
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Lol! A white polyester suit. Funny shit!
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    I keep one or two old pairs of dress pants that I no longer use for work, and thin loose fitting underwear that doesn't reduce movement or sensitivity, but helps soak up any wetness that may occur.
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