
Happy Kwanzaa!

TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Equal and fair recognition for all backgrounds, no matter your ancestory, because we all know the world is fair.

I'm expecting Kwanzaa cheer will bring peace and harmony to all, including those less fortunate. Please join me in wishing good fortunes to all, and equal rights, especially for those protesting that their rights aren't equal.


  • IHearVoices
    10 years ago
    I'll go ahead and co-sign this.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    No no no.. to make it equal we all have to agree that Santa is of every descent (including Muslim) . That Mrs. Clause -- the first wife, because Santa is clearly poly-amourous, was a sweedish Jew who had brought an interracial child into the marriage with her, then Santa from there needed a stable of different flavor wives (AA, Bengali, Chinese ...etc until he worked his way down the diversity alphabet.)

    So Santa love everyone and he isn't really white but a mix of all races, made pale from the lack of sunshine in the north pole. He has biracial children of every letter of the alphabet. And is politically color blind, he secretly lights the 12th menorah on days it doesn't fall on Christmas or has fasted too much for Ramadan. Whew... ya Santa is something special and busier on more than just Christmas day, but he's got to make a world full of Coke a Cola drinker, and the Polarbear campaign had mixed review so they were no help.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Did u know Mary, Joseph's wife, was one hot looking Jew even after bearing Jesus?! There was more than one immaculate event that just isn't fair to all mothers who've had to endure this labor of love. Long live MILFs.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Can you be MILF material when you give birth at 12 years old. I'm sure it was immaculate since she hadn't a clue what was going on in the first place....
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    How many Kwanzaa presents you get?
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    "Equal and fair recognition for all backgrounds, no matter your ancestory, because we all know the world is fair." Are you kidding? See below.


    The Founder's Welcome
    Dr. Maulana Karenga

    As an African American and Pan-African holiday celebrated by millions throughout the world African community, Kwanzaa brings a cultural message which speaks to the best of what it means to be African and human in the fullest sense.

    Exactly what it isn't! Christmas has no ethic boundaries.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Happy black baby Jesus :-)
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    How about "Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate"?
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    How about Merry Christmas as it has been forever. This country, like it or not, was founded on Christian principles. Anyone is free to leave, and now to come in. I'm not going to change because someone dislikes my beliefs any more than they should change if I don't care for theirs. PC = BS!
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    The rational way to handle this is to just consider Christmas as a traditional holiday rather than a religious one.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    +1 Clubber and Shadowcat
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    It has become a commercial one! :)
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    A man was thrown off of a plane this week at La Guardia because he was offended the flight attendants offered him a "Merry Christmas".

    I hope "American Airlines" bans him for life.

  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    A man was thrown off of a plane this week at La Guardia because he was offended the flight attendants offered him a "Merry Christmas".

    I hope "American Airlines" bans him for life.

  • GACA
    10 years ago
    "How about Merry Christmas as it has been forever. This country, like it or not, was founded on Christian principles"

    Ya.. But It was also founded on the bigger principle that separated Church and State. So Christmas has very little to do with the Nation's principals.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    "So Christmas has very little to do with the Nation's principals."

    I would agree with that. Although about 80% of the U.S. population identify themselves as "Christian", I would say a very small percentage actually celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

    It's all about the Playstation for Justin, and the iPhone for Emily and the Chia pet for Aunt Millie.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    And what a glorious country we live in where poor people on welfare without jobs have easy access to possessions like the iPhone, computer, wifi, Internet access, and all sorts of non-essentials for entertainment purposes. Yes the world definitely is unfair to the poor and they have little opportunity to rise out from under their crappy life that was dealt to them from evil, money hungry corporate thugs. The same thugs providing the working class a large majority of good paying jobs for the educated. Sucks to be uneducated though....from the reading of some of these posts.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^ I'm not referring to this thread when I mean "some of these posts". Referring to other topics that I've read.
  • IHearVoices
    10 years ago
    A few things...

    The nation was founded on the principle of taxation without representation (funny now, considering the current status of the nation's capital). Church/state matters were secondary at best.

    Jesus actually was black: I have yet to see a white person with skin of brass and hair like wool.

    Kwanzaa is indeed based on African principles, but one of the main tenets of Afrocentrism is its focus on the collective: not the African collective, but the entire collective. Eurocentrism would happen to be the set of ideas with the top-down approach and all. It's kind-of like the "black lives matter" thing: non-black people often respond "all lives matter". Last I checked, black people were part of 'all', so there's that.

    All that said, I agree that we've gotten way too PC with holiday wishes and all. If someone says "Merry Christmas" and you're not Christian, shut up and take it as positive - or at least conversational - message it was intended to be. Same with Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, or whatever else.

    One last bit: the racial stuff is nearing SW "I won't dance for so-and-so because" levels...and no matter what race we are, I think we can all agree that we don't want to be anything like them.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    ^^^^^"One last bit: the racial stuff is nearing SW "I won't dance for so-and-so because" levels...and no matter what race we are, I think we can all agree that we don't want to be anything like them."

    I think most of us know that we're poking fun at ideas and racial concepts on the political sphere. At the end of the day I say overall it's poor people who get the worst the end of the crap on our forums, not race.

    Some people legitimately feel like Xmas is under attack. 50 years ago it was best to be a white Christian. Nowadays it's really hard to be a Christian, especially a white one, because the oppressive history tied to it (rightfully or not)

    but what we don't do here like they do in SW, is insinuate that one race is better than the other-- it's all about politics, and other philosophical ideas.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    I listen to a lot of sports talk radio - and it seems a higher percentage than would be expected of the hosts are Jewish. (Why that is, is left for another thread).

    But I like the attitude they all seem to have. They realize that the vast majority of their audience celebrate Christmas. So they play along. They wish their listeners Merry Christmas and do not take offense when someone says to them Merry Christmas.

  • GACA
    10 years ago
    I was raised in a large Jewish community the one thing I will give them credit for, along with Asians, is their willingness to assimilate without whole heartedly giving up their own cultural identities. It's a give and take with them keeping their eyes on the bigger prize. Your not going to succeed in the USA "keeping it real".
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago

    Agreed -- PC = BS, and I don't see "Happy Holidays" as being PC. I just prefer it because with all of the disparate holidays, especially that seem to take place at this time of year, who knows who's celebrating what? "Happy Holidays" is just a generic, all-encompassing platitude for me.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    True, it is, but it is PC because of the "reason" it came to be. Oh, let's not offend anyone!

    I'll stand by, "I'm not going to change because someone dislikes my beliefs any more than they should change if I don't care for theirs. PC = BS!"
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago

    It may have its origins in PC BS, but, like I said, I just use it as an empty, expedient platitude. Perhaps this might work better for you:

    "Happy fucking holidays, you senile, cantankerous old shit!"

    ; )
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