
Crossing the line

Avatar for Mikeybush

In my fifteen years or so of strip joint atttendance, I am considering crossing a line I've never crossed. I was wondering if any of you had this dilemma. My new fave wants to expand our business relationship. I've dated strippers in the past, and while there was a certain quid pro quo involved, sex was never offered as a direct transaction. I gone out with dancers, spend a wad of cash on dinner and theater and then have had "happy endings". Never I have received so brazen an offer.

So would you cross that line?


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Avatar for Kyle1111

Hi SuperDude,

A dancer KNOW MADDER how smart OAR SWEDE can't STEEL your CACHE WIDTH out acquiescence.

Although I ain't a poet I do try to work or alliteration and homophones . . .

Avatar for Kyle1111

Hi SuperDude,

A dancer KNOW MADDER how smart OAR SWEDE can't STEEL your CACHE WIDTH out acquiescence.

Although I ain't a poet I do try to work on alliteration and homophones . . .

Avatar for Yoda

It sounds like what you are saying is that she is offering sex for money OTC, with none of the preliminary BS of actualy going on a date first. Sure, why not.

Avatar for FONDL

This sounds like it could be exactly what I'm talking about in the thread "OTC lap dancing."

Avatar for Kyle1111

YES, if I liked the dancer.

Avatar for SuperDude

No, you are about to get draining of all of your cash.

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