
Strip club brawl

Atlanta suburb
An overnight brawl at a South Hackensack strip club left four people seriously injured — two of whom were deliberately hit with a car — and authorities still sorting through evidence, victims, witnesses and suspects late this morning.

Six combatants were involved in the fight, which broke out before dawn at Twins Go-Go Lounge and then spilled onto the street, Bergen County Prosecutor John L. Molinelli told CLIFFVIEW PILOT.

One of the assailants used an SUV to hit two others, the prosecutor said.

Other victims were stabbed with a knife, while a Mazda sedan was smashed with a hammer.

“These investigations take time. You have to flesh them out,” Molinelli told CLIFFVIEW PILOT.

Streets were closed off in the immediate area as investigators continued their work this morning.


  • sclvr5005
    11 years ago
    Geez. Tough crowd.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I witnessed a pretty intense brawl once involving many people. I never left, but when some of the guys started swinging chairs, I slowly edged over to the exit.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    They just "keepin it real" LOL
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Funnest high school brawl took place during PE. These two "bros" got mad at each other during a basketball game and decided to throw down. So far, normal. This Mexican dude who was a friend of one of the "bros" ran in and clocked one in the chin. Once he did that, about 5 border brothers jumped in and started beating up the Mexican dude and "bro". Well, a bunch of Cholo Mexicans thought it would be fun to fight the border brothers. Now we got about 13 or so dudes fighting.

    This Blood I knew clocked this Crip out of nowhere and now the brothas started scrapping, too. I was chilling with a couple of brothas and they were like, "Slick, it's a free for all, let's roll." Well, we rolled. Our PE class and another PE class were involved in a 40 kid brawl.

    Funny, even though there was mayhem and madness, I came out unscathed. Nobody tried to hit me. No Mexicans hit me cause I was rolling with the Brothas. No Crips hit me even though I was with the Bloods. The two white guys didn't hit me. That was one fun fight.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    I was once involved in an all out brawl.

    Was visiting a buddy of mine from college. He was having issues with a woman he was dating and we went to the bars. So we were shooting pool in this bar and he was kind of down in the dumps. I walked over to a group of women and asked if they would like to join us. I told them about my buddy being down and could use some good company. Anyway we were playing for a few hours and of course the drinks were flowing. We were all having a good time. Then I went to the bathroom and when I came back out my buddy was surrounded by 5 dudes.

    To find out while I was in the bathroom my buddy grabbed one of the chicks asses and her BF got pissed off. But it was innocent like a baseball player patting another one on the ass type thing. He was congrating her on a good pool game. Or that is what he told me after the maylay.

    So I get involved and start to calm everyone down. Then out of the corner of my eye I see a guy with a cocky grin....then I get hit by him. So turn and hit him....then I get hit again....and again....and again. I tackled one guy into a table full of people. then all hell hit the fan. All this while my buddy was grabbed by the bartender and taken out of the area. I was working/fighting my way to the front exit when all of a sudden I was bear hugged and picked up off my feet. ( I am 6 ft tall and 230 lbs) So I hand an OH SHIT moment. I kicked with my heel into the shin and turn and drilled this guy....it was the bouncer!! Needless to say I got tackled and was escorted out the back entrance by the bouncers.....or into this stairwell with 4 bouncers. While the rest of the bar got cleared out the front to awaiting cops. I knew I fucked up and well.... I apologized to the bouncer I hit and let him get a free one in on me. I then got escorted to the upstairs bar to meet back up with my buddy and well it was all good. Bouncer i hit even bought me a drink.

    I would say that I was hit by about 10 different people and I hit about that many as well trying to get the fuck out of that bar. It was like a scene out of an old western how it just erupted.
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    Ban all SUVs! Ban all knives! Ban all fists!

    Have I missed anything?
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    A couple years ago after UNC beat Duke I watched a bar brawl started by fans. A Duke fan had been loudly commenting about Carolina fans. After about ten minutes of this a guy in a Carolina hat turns and hits the guy he *thought* was running his mouth. Mostly lots of pushing but some punches and thrown bottles. Luckily I avoided that one.

  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @csrm27-Well played. That situation could've gone real wrong.
  • crsm27
    11 years ago
    @ slick.....Yeah after I knew I fucked up and punched the bouncer I pretty much threw my hands up as the rest of the bouncers grabbed me. Like I told them in the stairwell... I was working my way to the front and didn't know who or what grabbed me and it was instinct. They understood but couldn't let me just slide... So i told them guy....free shot just not the face or balls please. I put my hands up on my head and braced myself.

    It was all good after that. Like I said they were really cool about it and shielded me from the cops who were outside cleaning up the mess. I even went back the next night and hung out with the bouncer....he was off duty. I think he was surprised I escaped his grip and also how i owned up to my mistake. He was about 6'6" and all of 250 lbs. Let just say he knew where the gym was. Really cool guy. Also that next night at the bar ran into that group of girls again. They apologized about the asshole who started the whole fight and the one girls BF. Found out a couple of those guys got tickets for "engaging in a riot" or something like that. I guess they were dicks to the cops outside and were resisting type thing. I also ended up banging one of those chicks the next night. So not too bad of a trip... ;-)
  • happylap
    11 years ago
    "These investigations take time. You have to flesh them out,”

    Does this prosecutor think he's being funny or was it an unintended pun?
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    "Ban all SUVs! Ban all knives! Ban all fists!

    Have I missed anything?"

    Blow torches, man, blow torches!
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Ban farts
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Farts and blow torches dont mix
  • sofaking87
    11 years ago
    All I can say is yikes!
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    Deogol here is where "keeping it real goes wrong"

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