
Dayton Strip Clubs

Avatar for ButterMan

Does anyone know anything about the dayton,oh Sc's? i am going to be driving through dayton heading to columbus in a few weeks and I planned to stay overnight in The dayton area and i want to check them out and leave some reviews. I see that there seem to be 3 on the same street..dixie dr I think it is called. There is Harem entertainers,the living room and another club. I'm going to be staying right off of I-70 in an area called Englewood. I'm not sure if the clubs are anywhere near there or not. If any of you guys know the area let me know and i'll be sure to check out all 3 clubs and leave reviews.


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Avatar for jestrite50

I know the area and have been to all of the clubs in the area. The best club now is probably the Harem

Next would be the living room

Then Sharkeys. Sharkeys is kind of a bar with dancers where the Harem and the Living Room are strip clubs. I used to like the living room best but they have really cracked down on the girls there and its not as much fun. The Harems girls are not as hot as the Living Room but they are more flexible in pricing and will go farther at making sure you have a good time. Extras are available in VIP from the right girls and take out is available. In fact several girls will go with you to your hotel for about $125-150.

Any specific questions PM me.

Avatar for Alucard

Hope you review them after your visit.

Avatar for ButterMan

I do plan on reviewing them after my visit alucard. And jestrite thanks for info ill probably pm you for more.

Avatar for samsung1

On the weekends harem stays open really late like after 4am. Living room closes at 2 or 2:30 and closed on sundays. Harem has a day shift but living room is usually only busy at night.

Not very good privacy at harem but they do negotiate on lap dances 2 for $20 are the best. Don't fall for the $20/song or 2/30 lazy rip offs. Harem is easy for OTC and has free admission printable coupon on their website.

Avatar for leabow

My experience is at Sharkey's. Most girls will let you roam anywhere, for a tip.

Avatar for chukko

Harem opens at 11am most days. The place reeks of smoke as it gets later in the day, but you will get the best bang for your buck here during the day. You can always negotiate a 2 for 20 and I've even been offered 8 for 50 by an 8 named Celeste before. Avoid Sharkeys, because the girls are sharks. Living Room is more pricey in comparison to the harem, but all the girls will give TTP. The rates are 20 dollars for topless and 40 per for full nude. If you can, grab the private room to the right that is curtained off for the most privacy. The living room opens at 3pm. Cheeks would be further for you, but it has a little bit of both The Living Room and the Harem. Baby dolls in Medway wouldn't be too far from you. If your not a member you'll have to pay $15 dollars and provide identification and a signature to get started. It is a solid $10 dollars per song, low hustle environment. They don't serve alcohol, but the girls are nude. This club used to be my regular spot and I can say that you won't get any extras, but all the girls are eager to provide a good grind in the right places for you money. There you have it. Avoid the other places.

Avatar for Alucard

Just over $6 a dance. Interesting.

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