Was looking for some maid action and I stumbled upon this. Was frigging flabbergasted that ANY porn gave you warnings of sex and its pros and cons. I my friends are stumped. But it did do one thing. It superred my desire to get with white women with the 1980s look both straight haired and curly. They have a certain sex appeal that I'm enjoying.
http://www.xvideos.com/video53…The discretionary content was 3 minutes and 20 seconds long
last commentOne def of porn beyond "I know it when I see it' was than porn unlike other sexually explicit art had 'no redeeming cultural, social or educational value'.
Get the reason for the intro now?
Meanwhile, I love those big boobs. I know mega-implants aren't for everybody, but I think they're great. The era of stars like Lisa Lipps, Tiffany Towers and Wendy Whoppers is gone for good, though - It's very hard to get implants that large anymore. There's a very small number of new models that have come onto the scene, but for the most part we're just left with the same dwindling group of ladies who have kept their implants.