
Goodbye Kiss ...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 5:24 AM
<img src="[view link]" alt="" /><br /> <br /> <div style="text-align: center;"><font face="garamond" size="5" font=""><i>Il bacio sta all'amore come il lampo al tuono<br /> The kiss is to love as lightning is to thunder ~Old Italian Proverb~<br /> <br /> </i></font><font face="garamond" size="5" font=""><i>You are like lightning</i></font><br /> <font face="garamond" size="5" font=""><i>so fiery, so bright<br /> I draw close<br /> to feel your warmth, your heat<br /> only to find none<br /> <br /> You have no love<br /> no warmth to back up that bright light<br /> So what kind of life will yours be,<br /> besides long ?<br /> <br /> Will you regret it someday,<br /> regret being so cold ?<br /> Will you look for me ?<br /> You'll find me gone,<br /> just thunder rolling in the distance ...<br /> <br /> &copy; Tessa Mia</i></font></div>


  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Love, to me, is like lightning-fleeting. Wish it weren't so, but it is.
  • TessaMia
    14 years ago
    is just my opinion but we were not made to only love one person all our lives, love can endure if we realize this and offer freedom to each other, problem is people try and make love a binding contract&nbsp; ... peace out sweets, thank you for comment ... sweet kiss <img src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/kiss.gif" alt="" /><br type="_moz" />
  • TessaMia
    14 years ago
    Accept love in the manner in which is comes to you. Do not possess it, or attempt to control it or shape it. For love is free and shall come or go in its manner.&nbsp; <br /> <br /> There shall always be others with who each of you may desire to share a closeness, either physical or spiritual. This is as it should be. Let your love desire fullness of life for each other and also pleasure for each other. Honor each other with openness and honesty. <br /> <br /> You are together because of your love, and you remain for this reason. Yet if this reason for coming together is forgotten, or fades, then it is well to part if needs be such. You do not honor the joining by remaining without love. Neither do you honor each other. <br /> <br /> &quot;Words of Aradia&quot; <img src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/heart.gif" alt="" /><br /> <br />
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