Well, as the perpetrators tried to hack off the guy's head they were shouting "ali Akbar" or whatever the correct spelling is. They then tried to film it as well and appeared to fit the description normally associated with people from a Muslim country or descendants thereof.
You know say what you will about the activities at Gitmo (approve/disapprove who gives a fuck) but there was/is (Shhhhhhh) a certain effectiveness to a methodology that strips away the veneer of religious fortitude from the Muslim perps that were/are incarcerated there.
No fucking virgins waiting for you you fucking piss ant!
Many, many people are DESENSITIZED these days to horrible/gruesome images due to these kinds of images being shown in the Video games and in Movies that they view. There was a time when a RESPONSIBLE news organization would not play/show images like this on TV.
An example of the public's "ATTRACTION" to this sort of "News" is the reporting on, & the fascination with the Arias murder trial & the public's craving for it. It was a nasty murder. The murder of this British citizen was nasty too. Just look at the way it is being reported.
Are you guys posting on another site? I was wondering if I was missing out on the war of words. I don't see Alucard return fire very much. That reminds me, I was going to buy some sling shots. I don't know what made me think about buying a weapon.
Depends on my mood. I could be bored with the antics - hence I may not reply in public or I may be in a feisty/confrontational mood - then I'll reply in a way that I deem appropriate, public or via PM.
So tumblingdice you're going to bring the guns issue into this? My comments have been about the portrayal of the violence of the murder of this British citizen & the media portrayal of the violence & the desensitization of the public to violence & the public's fascination with violence.
Muslims are animals. It is a very harsh religion because the animals that are members needed something to focus their killing on something beside each other. They only understand one thing an eye for an eye. The way to relate to muslims is they kill one of us is we kill 100 of them, if they kill 2 of us you kill 2000 of them, if they kill 100 of use you kill 1000000 of them and eventually they will get the message to go back to killing off each other and leave the rest of the world alone (they will never stop killing anymore than a rabid dog can stop). I am quite weary of people making apologies for them. They was no excuse for killing in the name of religion, and yes I know religion has been an excuse for killing since the beginning of time usually by small men using religion to manipulate the masses against another mass of people for personal gain. This is the first time religion has been used as an excuse for murder for fun and pussy.
Fellas, Not into the politics posts but as I have a unique perspective I feel I should. I was stationed at Camp Xray in Guantanomo Bay Cuba, and I have seen the radical nature of Jihad Muslims. But I have also witnessed and met many more peaceful loving Muslins. To say that Muslims as a whole are the problem is down right wrong. The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful almost to a fault. Thats why so many radical muslims are able to gain power and breed many more Jihadists. Its because most Muslims dont have the backbone or ability to defend or resist. They are intimidated and threatened into service and brainwashed. Most of these people, especially the ones ive met in Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Kuwait, and Pakistan just want help. They are weary of all the years of war and unrest. Thier children have been murdered or captured and brainwashed by extremists. Its a horrible situation that might be unsolvable.
Dont blame all of Islam for the radical extremists, just as you wouldnt blame all right wingers for domestic terrorism. Or just as you wouldnt blame all Left wing liberals for eco terrorism.
^In the face of mob rule histrionics like the nonsense posted by TiredTraveler and to a lesser degree Dougster who is more akin to the arsonist that smirks in delight as he watches his handy work from a safe distance, I applaud your sentiment Mr Lion. In particular given your personal experiences. I too know Muslims that are peaceful loving god fearing people who love this country as much as anyone so to cast a net over the entire religion is just pure unadulterated stupidity.
Lets go after the terrorists regardless of skin color, nationality and religious affiliation and snuff perps with extreme prejudice using what ever resources we can bring to the fore. If its an eye for an eye so be it hell lets make it a head for an eye but let's take our angst out on the ones who actually mean us harm and make it clear that we will not relent, we will not pull our punches and we will prevail. In the end it's not idiots like TiredTraveler rattling cardboard sabers from the safety of his moms basement that will make a difference but the brothers and sisters of Lionshare who are not just the pointy end of the spear but the weapon itself that will make a difference. I just prey to God that our spineless politicians grow a pair so our service men and women can do their job and exact justice. God bless the USA!
"Muslims are animals. It is a very harsh religion because the animals that are members needed something to focus their killing on something beside each other. They only understand one thing an eye for an eye. The way to relate to muslims is they kill one of us is we kill 100 of them, if they kill 2 of us you kill 2000 of them, if they kill 100 of use you kill 1000000 of them and eventually they will get the message to go back to killing off each other and leave the rest of the world alone (they will never stop killing anymore than a rabid dog can stop). I am quite weary of people making apologies for them. They was no excuse for killing in the name of religion, and yes I know religion has been an excuse for killing since the beginning of time usually by small men using religion to manipulate the masses against another mass of people for personal gain. This is the first time religion has been used as an excuse for murder for fun and pussy"
"Lets go after the terrorists regardless of skin color, nationality and religious affiliation and snuff perps with extreme prejudice using what ever resources we can bring to the fore. If its an eye for an eye so be it hell lets make it a head for an eye but let's take our angst out on the ones who actually mean us harm and make it clear that we will not relent, we will not pull our punches and we will prevail. In the end it's not idiots like TiredTraveler rattling cardboard sabers from the safety of his moms basement that will make a difference but the brothers and sisters of Lionshare who are not just the pointy end of the spear but the weapon itself that will make a difference. I just prey to God that our spineless politicians grow a pair so our service men and women can do their job and exact justice."
I'm really glad you two aren't in charge of the government.
Just raise your little army of like thinking or as it should be labelled - NON-THINKERS - and go out exact your revenge. It would make you NO different in my eyes than the 2 crazy men who committed the terrible murder of the British citizen.
last commentIt shouldn't be hard to ID this murderer.
No fucking virgins waiting for you you fucking piss ant!
Pushing what tumblingdice? Hmm...???
Many, many people are DESENSITIZED these days to horrible/gruesome images due to these kinds of images being shown in the Video games and in Movies that they view. There was a time when a RESPONSIBLE news organization would not play/show images like this on TV.
An example of the public's "ATTRACTION" to this sort of "News" is the reporting on, & the fascination with the Arias murder trial & the public's craving for it. It was a nasty murder. The murder of this British citizen was nasty too. Just look at the way it is being reported.
Depends on my mood. I could be bored with the antics - hence I may not reply in public or I may be in a feisty/confrontational mood - then I'll reply in a way that I deem appropriate, public or via PM.
My comments have been about the portrayal of the violence of the murder of this British citizen & the media portrayal of the violence & the desensitization of the public to violence & the public's fascination with violence.
You are HEARTLESS!!!
You DP are an Asshole as is tumblingdice & txtittyfag & deogol.
Dont blame all of Islam for the radical extremists, just as you wouldnt blame all right wingers for domestic terrorism. Or just as you wouldnt blame all Left wing liberals for eco terrorism.
Lets go after the terrorists regardless of skin color, nationality and religious affiliation and snuff perps with extreme prejudice using what ever resources we can bring to the fore. If its an eye for an eye so be it hell lets make it a head for an eye but let's take our angst out on the ones who actually mean us harm and make it clear that we will not relent, we will not pull our punches and we will prevail. In the end it's not idiots like TiredTraveler rattling cardboard sabers from the safety of his moms basement that will make a difference but the brothers and sisters of Lionshare who are not just the pointy end of the spear but the weapon itself that will make a difference. I just prey to God that our spineless politicians grow a pair so our service men and women can do their job and exact justice. God bless the USA!
"Lets go after the terrorists regardless of skin color, nationality and religious affiliation and snuff perps with extreme prejudice using what ever resources we can bring to the fore. If its an eye for an eye so be it hell lets make it a head for an eye but let's take our angst out on the ones who actually mean us harm and make it clear that we will not relent, we will not pull our punches and we will prevail. In the end it's not idiots like TiredTraveler rattling cardboard sabers from the safety of his moms basement that will make a difference but the brothers and sisters of Lionshare who are not just the pointy end of the spear but the weapon itself that will make a difference. I just prey to God that our spineless politicians grow a pair so our service men and women can do their job and exact justice."
I'm really glad you two aren't in charge of the government.
Just raise your little army of like thinking or as it should be labelled - NON-THINKERS - and go out exact your revenge. It would make you NO different in my eyes than the 2 crazy men who committed the terrible murder of the British citizen.