
getting high

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
When winds set to rustling old stars against loose board siding soothing a part of me asleep while the rest is left to pace the sheets, across ecosystems, both swollen feet cemented in the Milky Way, striking oxygen rich discoveries, meaningless to everyone but me.

I've scraps of light to write upon, a suitcase full of atmosphere, Big and Little Dippers boiling starlight- old Orion's belt & a hypo of Solarcaine.

I got DNA, two of every leaf and beast, zip-locked and labeled safety pinned to my Lunar EVA lapel like a note for God that says:

Thank you for the mystery, but I got it from here.

I got books in me old astronaut; so give up your gravity! I've recorded each detail of bland astral cartography, each fantastic projected conversation still as fresh as the day spoken, like starships of pure language, drifting toward them, the librarians three. They write instructions for me by speaking, speaking sounds into the air to be read while The Three Hyperspace Librarians frantically insist I read their sound language all of my 86 billion neurons are each discharging a zepto sized shuttle blast & the instructions are helically vacuumed into a violent Fibonacci of cosmic geometric macramé along with them, me and the meaning of everything.

We all wince in the face of the whimper, guffaw at the BANG! and despite the barrier of what I thought language could be I now know their words by heart without ever having read them; I know them like my own carbon decay.

It's this biological trick of trapping light in matter, propagating body while every force in the cosmos is working the other way.

And as I'm being plucked back to the sheets of my bed, in the room of my home, on the square of my lawn, which is one small portion of a majestically misshapen mass of land surrounded by water, all rolled into a sphere, hurtling through the nothing at a rate of 1.603 million miles per day,

The Three say to me;

“That old stone ball you call home is just a placenta feeding, all the embryonic sparks your monkey bodies carry will outgrow the flesh until photons are all that's left.

So don't be afraid astronauts for your beautiful monkey children, swathed in luscious proteins, jumping rope in the great black entropic sea, soon you all will finally see how much more becoming photons can be.”


  • Bonesbrother
    11 years ago
    Dude - You're a fucking joke. Everybody is laughing at you. Not with. Go ahead prop yourself again. You have no credibility. Nobody can tell whether what you post is true or not. I guess that most just figure it is bull shit and that you are harmless. I guess that if you had any brains, you might be dangerous.

    You want to be number one so you flood this board with your useless shit and then pat yourself on the back. I got news for you moron. It is quality that counts not quantity.

    The rest of you idiots that feed this troll are not much better.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    B-Bro! Everyone is laughing at you for paying $800 for a HJ.You on the rag?Juice Crew.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Bones I pray that the gods bless you with a wonderful clubbing year and thanks for feeding me yourself I will keep up the good work....juice crew
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Somebody check juices temp
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Who is your dealer juice? That must be some good stuff...
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    It's a secret sauce crazy Joe
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Lol juice
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Holy Christ! What is BonedBrother (see how I changed the 's' to do a 'd' - let's see if he catches on...) so grouchy about today? Did he get Boned a little too hard in his ass (maybe by MadFag_Romeo) last night so is taking out his soreness on us here?
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Bonesdude... Mellow ou on J-man. He is one o' the good ones. I come back to my TUSCL bros after a short break o' bein' busy and find J-man bein' attacked. Not coo-el.

    Juice just be writin' different chapters o' the book of his life. We're being treated to the Ecclesiastes o' da Juiceman... I kinda dig it.

    Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh... Juice on my friend and keep God's commandments! (And prop yosef for doing so)
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    I'm high right now.
  • JuiceBox69
    11 years ago
    Thanks guys.....juice crew
  • cky2k827
    11 years ago
    Yeah I guess I would be pissed off too if I payed 800 for and HJ.but no reason to act like a douche to Juice.You talk about him proping himself.who cares?and funny thing is he is the only one who has ever propped you.So stop being an asshole.

    People take this site way too seriously sometimes.Its alright to post funny random shit once in a while.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Fuck all the serious people...juice crew
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    No CKY! She payed him.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Pretty trippy Juice! Reminds me of Al Gore spacing out on climates and planets and stuff.
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