Girls On Trampolines!

avatar for crazyjoe
Who remembers the Man Show?

What was your favorite bit of nonsense that Jimmy and Adam came up with?

Those two always hung out with strippers and juggy girls, and drank beer from a statue's nipple, and hung out with thw Ziggy sockey guy!


last comment
avatar for cnyknight
12 years ago
ahh yeah ... was a good show
avatar for grand1511
12 years ago
Household tips from porn stars. You can find all the seasons of "The Man Show" on Hulu Plus.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
I like it when Jimmy asks girls If size matters... man show boy was awesome too
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
They did a bit where they had women singing a petition to "End Women's Suffrage" which many women were happy to sign... I still chuckle about that occasionally.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
In a similar vein – how about the show “Manswers” – used to love that show (and the babes in it).

Is it still on?
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Ahead of it's time
avatar for cky2k827
12 years ago
Great show! I have the first 3 seasons on DVD.Didn't like when they changed the hosts in the last few seasons
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
That was a quality show. Watched it every week. Agree with cky, not the same without Jimmy and Adam
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
I agree that it was a great show.
avatar for Dio526
12 years ago
that show was hilarious! i remember that sketch they showed of the sock puppets having sex lol
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Okay, somebody please explain to me something...

There are tons and tons of shows for women. All the fucking Oprah's and soap operas and ice skating and good lord the list goes on forever.

But how many shows just for men? Huh? Fucking sports and that's about it. And for those of us who couldn't give a rats ass about sitting on our asses and watching hours of sports all day, what's left? Stuff like the Man Show doesn't exist. BUT FUCKING WHY ??? I don't get it. It was excellent, and the kind of stuff guys should LOVE !! Hot chicks, very funny stuff making fun of chicks, and just a great show.

I swear to god we have become so pussified that we sit around watching whatever women want and putting up with that inane crap we call TV. Everything has to be so fucking proper and not offend anyone and respect women and all this BS. And we put up with it.

Geezus, I don't get it. Men have had their balls removed in this country, and it's been that way for many years. And it's getting worse. Women are taking control in politics and shutting down strip clubs and making them SUCK!!! No prostitution, no good shit on TV, NOTHING.

You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
Was that the sex show with Dr Drew?
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Weedhopper! You have much to learn. Pick and choose your battles.
avatar for JayJay15
12 years ago
It was a great show.

I loved the bits they did in which they utterly bamboozled the women. Asking them the top three most influential women in the country (a common answer being "my mom" along with utter befuddlement), asking women whether they would vote for a female president (a surprising number of whom said "no"), asking women whether they were equal to men, and selling females the all-chocolate weight loss plan.

We have the DVDs to the Jimmy/Adam seasons. My wife loves to watch them.
avatar for Longball300
12 years ago
Best Man Show moment........…
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