I've seen it all over this website, but during my time dancing I had really see about four or five that would fit on that description. I've seen articles and discussions touching that subject, like these ones:
For y'all, what makes a dancer fat? No, using the BMI formula is pretty useless for many dancers; they either have too much fillings, or do too much pole work.
It's in the best interest of both customers and dancers that as high a percentage as possible of the customer's money go into the dancer's garter. For clubs to have a low profit margin, they need to be high volume, therefore clubs must be large, with many dancers with a variety of personalities and looks, from size zero to size 20+, to be able to satisfy the kink of any guy (or lesbian). If I can find 3-4 dancers I like to get a few dances from, that's a good night for me. I don't expect to find all or even most of the dancers on a particular shift attractive.
I think there is a difference between thick and fat. IMO many (not necessarily most) women can pull of thick and sexy. Very, very few can combine fat and sexy, again IMO.
The difference to me is curves vs. rolls of fat.
I find beauty in many forms, but a fat body is not one of those places.
I still that that hip to waist ratio is a good guide. Most of the women who fit into that ratio look good to me. "Fat" is usually disproportionate in some dimension, usually the waist and stomach.
@Georgmicrodong: the WTH ratio sure is the best indicator of both female health and attractiveness. A thin woman can have a not so desirable ratio (above .8), while a larger one could have the .7 golden ratio.
I like thick, and "Big Beautiful Women" (BBW) dancers. My observations of dancers are similar to what GMD posted. If a dancer is heavy or thick, but still has an hourglass figure, I don't consider her fat. Another unit of measurement I use is one I devised myself. I refer to it as the "Boob to Belly Ratio (BBR)." If a dancer has a BBR of greater than one, I will likely consider her within my preference range. Specially, that means that the boobs must project further than the belly.
last commentJay jay - I just know it when I see it. But I like thick girls so my view might be different from some of the others on this subject.
The difference to me is curves vs. rolls of fat.
I find beauty in many forms, but a fat body is not one of those places.