The first picture, I'm sorry, but a see about thirty business men with their cocks out ready to do some bukkaki. You don't want to be sitting in the front row for that one.
Second picture. Same.
Third picture. Same.
Fourth picture. "Hi Soldier. Want love long time? We go inside? Make happy noise!"
Fifth picture. Actually kinda nice. Trees. Hillside. Can make a home there. Of course, there will be strange knocks at the door in the middle of the night.
Movie quote: Yes, sir. Were constantly exploring new and exciting areas of crime. And I tell ya somethin’. We better, because there a couple Japanese gangs out there that are going to do it faster and cheaper.
last commentThe first picture, I'm sorry, but a see about thirty business men with their cocks out ready to do some bukkaki. You don't want to be sitting in the front row for that one.
Second picture. Same.
Third picture. Same.
Fourth picture. "Hi Soldier. Want love long time? We go inside? Make happy noise!"
Fifth picture. Actually kinda nice. Trees. Hillside. Can make a home there. Of course, there will be strange knocks at the door in the middle of the night.
(picture number for you non-native speakers)
"oh my achin' back"
These pics made me think of that.