
Longest time without seeing a particular dancer.

North Iowa
Saturday, July 28, 2012 4:38 AM
Last year, I encountered my first ATF at my favorite club after an absence of at least 5 years. I later encountered another favorite dancer there who I hadn't seen in at least 4 years. I know sometimes girls go away to dance, but tonight has to be the record. There is a lady at the club I went to, one I visit regularly (and a lot more lately) who I remember from the 90's. The weird thing is we both recognized each other right away. I saw her Yosemite Sam tattoo and knew who she was right away, even though she is bigger than she used to be, though by no means fat. She even remembered my name, which was truly amazing. She said she hadn't worked there since 2000 and had mostly worked in LA and Las Vegas, but she missed home. I ended up getting some dances from her, and it was like old times. Just curious if any of you had a blast from the past encounter like that.


  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    15 years and counting
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Yup. Almost an identical story. I met my first real ATF in 1988. She was an 18 year old, tall, thin blonde. I would visit her regularly over the next 4 to 5 years. She them moved to dayshift. Since this was a club quite some distance from home, I couldn't see her during the day. Over the next 15 years I would still go to this club from time to time, so I knew still worked there (from other dancers) but I never saw here. Then in 2006, 18 years after I first met her, I happened to go this club on a Saturday afternoon. I walked in, and there she was, dancing on stage. I walked up to the stage to tip her, and she immediately recognized me. We had both changed. I had gained weight. So had she. I had a shaved head. She returned to her natural brunette. But we both knew each other. I never saw her again, though I know she retired a couple of years later. She made 20 years at that club. I wonder if they gave her a gold watch and a pension.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    There was one from back in the 90's that I had not seen and ran into her a couple of years ago. She had really aged, but body was still pretty nice. We talked for quite some time, then I had to get going. She invited me back for some private time. I did return, but she was tied up with another customer. Never saw her after that, but then I don't frequent the club where she was.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Since 2001.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    Saw one I hadn't seen in 5 years. She said she got off meth, coke, booze, etc, had a couple more kids, and returned to stripping to make ends meet again....and again....and again.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Three years went by. We met again, three months ago at a her new club. (She moves around a lot.) Stupidly, I accepted her invitation to meet her for lunch. She stood me up for the third time. That's the end of us.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    SD, I've never been stood up outside the club, but then I've only met my ATF outside. Going to see them in the club, happens at times, but doesn't surprise me at all.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I remember this one that got me tossed out of one of my favorite Detroit clubs back in the mid-90's because I pushed her limit too far. Several years later, I ran into her again at the club, I'm glad to say she had porked out considerably. LOL She didn't remember me, which was fortunate, but I remembered her.
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