
what is the best traveling job ?

Avatar for JuiceBox69
JuiceBox69Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads

Is it truck drivers ?

Salesmen ?

Or I don't have a clue ?

What you guys thank ?

What's a good way to make money and stay on the road ?

And yes I'm looking for work like this just so I can club, work and travel


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Avatar for shadowcat

I worked for a major air line for 42 years. You do get to travel and the pay is good.

Avatar for Doc_Holliday

I got just the job for you juice! Plenty of travel, excersize, adventure, and a great story for the ladies -- RODEO CLOWN! 8D

Avatar for jester214

Kind of vague, but most of the executives I know that travel have it pretty sweet.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^^^ Somehow I don’t see Juice as an executive :)

Avatar for motorhead

Power Foward in the NBA

Avatar for londonguy

Taxi driver in Vegas maybe? Kickbacks aplenty from clubs and escort agencies with the odd freebie thrown in?

Avatar for DubbleUgly

I'll second the airline crew gig. Pilots get paid better than flight attendants, but its much easier to qualify as a flight attendant. Lots of travel and your only job when you get to the overnight is to get a decent night's sleep. Of course, that in itself could be a disqualifying requirement!

Avatar for farmerart

If you have an oil industry skill, the entire world is on a plate for you. Just be advised that you will be working in many of the world's armpits - Saudi Arabia, any one of the several 'stans, North Africa, the Arctic, offshore platforms, the inhumane heat and humidity of south east Asia, North Dakota, southern Saskatchewan, Wyoming.

Enjoy. Money's pretty terrific to compensate for all the shitty places you will be working.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^^^ I think Juice wanted a job where he could travel and at the same time enjoy the SCs while he travels for work. I don’t think he would want to work “in many of the world’s armpits” – the SCs probably suck in these places; if there are any :)

Avatar for txtittyfan

Become a nurse. They are in demand pretty much everywhere.

Avatar for SnakePlissken

Airlines, truckers, oil, construction, military (especially submarines).

Avatar for mroo

If you want to make good money and still have a life on the side, try Pharmaceutical Sales Rep.

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