
Smokeless Clubs in Georgia ?

Avatar for jinhayashi

I hate to sound like a pussy however are there any in georgia ?


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Avatar for Clubber


Well, if one goes into Mardi Gras and sit at the bar back on the right with a certain barmaid, that part is non-smoking, at least in her mind. :)

Avatar for shadowcat

At one Atlanta club, a dancer asked Chandler, if it was alright to lite up. He asked her not to. The smell of pot really bothers him. :))

Avatar for Rod84

I was at the Dr the other day and he asked me if I ever smoked. The answer was No, but before I said anything, I did think for a moment that with all my SC time, I may as well have smoked the equivalent of a pack or more per month over the last several years. I still said, "No."

Avatar for jinhayashi

I dont mind pot.... just cigarette smoke in general ; not a real fan of a giant dust cloud of smoke at a club nevertheless the smell does not burn off !

Avatar for Clubber

Not that I can state as a fact, but I've heard that smoke, especially cigar or pipe will cover the alcohol smell if one should get pulled over by LE. This is not to condone drinking and driving. Responsibility should rule that!

Avatar for dawgman

Well I know toppers in Athens is a smokeless club as all bars and restaurants are smokeless. It's been a little while since I have been in Athens an went to toppers bit what I remember it's def no comparison to Atlanta clubs. Still something to Check out if you are in Athens and want a changeup from the hundreds of bars in downtown

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