There is a website, simalar to this one, that reviews escorts that advertise on the internet. I've booked appointments with these agencies to spend time and have sex with these escorts. Being a VERY visual male, it's no secret that I like being danced for too. What I've found is that very few of the online escorts are willing to also be strippers. I've never been able to figure out why that is. Is it because they think it's too much work?? Or maybe they're of the mindset that they're not a strippers...They're escorts. And being BOTH is just not an option.
What are you thoughts???
Dancing naked in front of a room full of strange men is not the same as fucking strange men. That being said, every woman in the sex trade has her preferences and her limits. I've been with several escorts who also danced and I know several dancers who have or still escort. I've also known dozens of dancers who would never escort and loads of escorts who just can't imagine dancing naked in front of strangers.
Recently, a former dancer that I was seeing as an escort left the biz and went back to dancing. She was making triple what she will make as a dancer while she was escorting but she just got tired of it.
The only similarities (beyond the stereotypes) is that both jobs are done naked.
Recently, a former dancer that I was seeing as an escort left the biz and went back to dancing. She was making triple what she will make as a dancer while she was escorting but she just got tired of it.
The only similarities (beyond the stereotypes) is that both jobs are done naked.