3 cheers for Farmerart! I can cheer that. Thanks Farmer, I saved over 100 dollars on my recent heating bill. Some local dancers should thank you as well since they were beneficiaries. I'll probably lose a lot more than that when it comes to paying for air conditioning but I like it for now.
I remember one year, the media kept saying El Niño was responsible for all the bad weather. Then I heard one night Al Niño who lived in California was getting death threats.
I wonder when we will hear in the news that El Farmerart weather patterns are responsible for all the bad weather? :)
last commentI wonder when we will hear in the news that El Farmerart weather patterns are responsible for all the bad weather?
I love January shorts weather in Ohio!!! You should see all of the nice tights I've seen around town already this morning!
Snow is too deep to even drive in.