
avatar for bang69
I don't know about all of you. But I'm not scared of Policeman at all. As far as I'm concerned. Policeman is just a pain in the butt looking to cause trouble for all of us. SO CLUB EVERY ONE & HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!!


last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Eat shit and die, stupid pig.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
speaking of tools...
avatar for HarveySpecter
13 years ago
Wow. The po po are doing such a bang up job . I have friends that have been in the "business" of mongering for 30 years and have never been caught. One was harassed for 10 min and did not say a word when they accused him of activity. They eventually gave up since they 99% of the time have nothing.. they wait for the accused to admit something or lie.... then they have you on a technicality.

All ya do is say nothing and call a lawyer. They lawyer will eat them alive.....
avatar for smokeshopjoe
13 years ago
nerd alert! nerd alert! Ferengi rule of acquisition NO 266. A pair of good ears will ring dry a hundred tongues

Also that means dont antagonize those giving you info. If you are a LEO you arent a very good one.

Even Sun Tzu would call you a fool , one spy is worth a hundred soldiers.

Just like the hydra every head you cut off 2 more pop up to replace it.

If you try to snuff it out and oppress it you simply just decentralize it.
and lastly
the grammarian in me cant let this stand
He he he. My own little thread, how special. No need to be scared of me, just go about your regular illegal activity (no need for comma) and post it all online. Your intel is good material for us. You , your clubs and whores will be busted soon US LE catch more and more criminals through the internet now , It is a great tool!

If you are going to bullshit on front st at least come correct with grammar and phraseology.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I will not stoop down to the troll's level of imaturity for a rebutl comment . becuase its not worth my time
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
TUSCL is so full of entertainment...
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
bang69, WHY did you bother to give this IDIOT more Attention? Hmmm...
avatar for bang69
13 years ago

I'm wondering the same thing. All is well now thanks for bring me back to common sence
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