woman accused of robbing home to buy porn

be advised, there is a pic of her in the link below.
you may not want to see it though.
Minn. woman accused of robbing home to buy porn
EAST BETHEL, Minn. (AP) — Authorities say an 18-year-old Minnesota woman admitted to investigators that she broke into a neighbor's home three times looking for items she could fence to feed her porn addiction.
Anoka County sheriff's investigators say the neighbor called to report he had surveillance footage of Amanda Rose Owens sneaking into his East Bethel home through a dog door.
The St. Paul Pioneer Press reports that the neighbor set up the camera after $300 and several items were stolen.
Investigators say Owens admitted she had broken in three times. She said she need money so she could pay for 20 to 30 pornographic DVDs she bought.
Owens was charged Wednesday with second-degree burglary. She does not have a listed phone number and it wasn't clear Saturday if she had an attorney.
you may not want to see it though.
Minn. woman accused of robbing home to buy porn
EAST BETHEL, Minn. (AP) — Authorities say an 18-year-old Minnesota woman admitted to investigators that she broke into a neighbor's home three times looking for items she could fence to feed her porn addiction.
Anoka County sheriff's investigators say the neighbor called to report he had surveillance footage of Amanda Rose Owens sneaking into his East Bethel home through a dog door.
The St. Paul Pioneer Press reports that the neighbor set up the camera after $300 and several items were stolen.
Investigators say Owens admitted she had broken in three times. She said she need money so she could pay for 20 to 30 pornographic DVDs she bought.
Owens was charged Wednesday with second-degree burglary. She does not have a listed phone number and it wasn't clear Saturday if she had an attorney.
Who says the younger generation isn't motivated???
If she is skinny enough to fit in a doggie door, 18, and likes porn that much, she could surely find a few thousand guys willing to put up with her acne.