
My Detroit Weekend

Sunday, October 2, 2011 9:06 PM
51 songs 14 entertainers 2 clubs 2 nights 1 ROB - $140 just to avoid the drama not make a scene 1 greatest dancer/entertainer of all time 0 happy endings but that is my fault Another really good weekend Best lines of my Detroit weekend in chronological order: Club #1 “I don't want to be your fluffer.” “Prices have come down to due to the economy” “I didn't used to do extras but the club changed me, I still don't make any more money” “I've see smaller dicks, I like small dicks” “Just sit there and don't do anything” Club #2 “Maybe you would be happier if you just got lap dancers” “I can squirt” “I like small dick's, you can take them in the ass” “All girls like anal sex” me: “not all girls” “I don't remember how many songs, you count” Detroit can be a really tough market for a PL with some cash. I had at least five dancers tell me “Don't let them take advantage of you.” Those being the ROB's with one entertainer offering to point out the good girls. I thought I was getting better but I was probably taken by a couple of girls at each club besides the obvious ROB. I am amazed by how nice most of the girls are with the money that is at stake each night. Lessons I put to work: 1) I you think she might be fun, make the extra effort to find out. 2) Keep a little in reserve for that last great girl you didn't see until the end of the night. 3) Just say no at least a few times unless you are at the “The Inner Room” Things learned this time: 1) If he looks like a pimp, its because he is. 2) I still don't know what the hell I am doing. At least I am still having fun. As the terminator said “I know now why you have a favorite, but this is something I can never have.” Next stop, Central Florida in October.


    13 years ago
    Silky, if Detroit appealed, visit Toronto.
  • Chanel
    13 years ago
    "I don't want to be your fluffer" had me laughing. Wish I'd thought of it!
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Glad you had fun here, silkypants.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Your review of your time in Dertroit has me laughing
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    "I can squirt"?! PM me names! lol. Try walking out of the back room with completely wet pants. No way. "All girls like anal sex"? Okay, that is just a complete lie. Thanks for the reviews!
    13 years ago
    Btw, glad to hear you survived!
  • Bananafish
    13 years ago
    Awesome report. I can't wait to get back there.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Thanks for the trip report
  • jaredj
    13 years ago
    Stop by daytona in central florida, go to lollipops for some good fried chicken and brown's for some good looking girls!
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