
Meetings On The Road

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(aka the stranded honey didcussion thread)

georg's post here /postread.php and a couple of the comments in it got me thinking of semi-similar situations of stranded ladies that i've experienced.

the one that comes to mind first.

about 20 years ago i worked as a bouncer in a night club in a nearby city and stopped in on my off night to have some drinks and socialize a little. there was a heavy snowstorm blowing outside and i decide to go home. i'm driving through an alley that leads to the road that i take to go home and when i get to the end of the alley out steps this blonde chick just wearing jeans and a sweater from another club at the corner. i think it's odd that this chick is standing at the curb without a coat in a blizzard and as i make the turn on to the road she steps into the street and puts her thumb out so i stop to pick her up.

i ask her where she's going and she starts crying. i go whoa and stop the truck and ask her what's going on. (turns out that she's from chicago visiting her husbands relatives and was in the club with her husband and they had an arguement so she decided to leave even though she was 300 miles from home with no transportation.) so i ask her what she wants to do and she asks me to drive to a phone booth so that she could call her in-laws. for whatever reasons she couldn't get through to them and were basically driving around in circles while she was trying to decide what she was going to do.

after a few minutes i tell her look, i can't do this all night, i want to go home so i'll either drop you off somewhere or you can come to my place but i won't bring you back this way until tomorrow and she says i'm going to your place.

we arrive at my house and i make us a couple drinks and we're sitting on the sofa talking about her situation and she starts to cry again and i put my hand on her thigh to calm her down and she puts her's on mine and the next thing i know were kissing and grabbing at each other like animals. i pick her up, carry her to my bed and start undressing her and myself. we end up screwing and she actually gives me a bj afterwards and we fall asleep.

the next morning i agree to take her back to the other city and she asks to use the phone to call her husband and inlaws and i leave the room so she can have a private conversation. when she's done i ask her what her husband said. she said that he told her that she could ride back to chicago with him but when they get home she had to get her stuff and get out of their house. she said that she was going to move in with her mother who also lived in chicago.

that's a short version of a true story. i had no problem taking this strange married and younger i might add, chick home and doing her because i knew that no matter what happened i would never see her again. i drove her back to where her inlaws lived and dropped her off at the corner of her street. i never did see her again and i have zero regrets.

back then when i told this story to a friend his comment was, man she really got even with her husband that night.

so anyway i have a couple other road pick up stories to tell but i'm going to take a break for a few minutes. feel free to add your own stories here ;-)


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13 yrs ago

ok, troop's true road story number two.

a couple years after the above incident i was heading to a local club that had the area's most popular band playing in a special thanksgiving eve event.

the club's parking lot was full so i parked in a lot across the street and as i crossed the street and was about to step on the curb this chick dressed in sweat pants and sweat shirt steps in front of me and says i'll give you 10 dollars if you give me a ride to *** avenue. i didn't need the money but i figured ok i'll give her ride because the street was only a few blocks away.

we get in my car and she tells me that she had an arguement with her boyfriend (do you see a pattern here? lol)and had left their apartment down the road from the club. she then mentions that she left so fast that she didn't even grab her shoes and i look down and sure as hell she's not wearing any shoes.

we're stopped at a traffic light and she says let's get some beer and some stuff and we'll go to your place and i'll do anything that you want. i'm feeling uneasy about this one so i tell her no thanks, i'll just take her to location and drop her off. she repeats the beer and stuff thing and says give me 10 dollars and i'll get us some stuff and we'll go to your place and i answer hey, you're supposed to be giving me 10 dollars. next thing she does is pull up her top and she asks if i want to feel her tits and i answer what i really want is some snatch. we're sitting at a stop sign now and with her top still pulled up she pulls her pants down and i have one hand on her titties and i'm fingering her with my other hand until a car's headlights approach us from behind so i start driving again.

so we get to this apartment complex, i stop out front and she's asking me for 10 dollars again and i tell her no and that she doesn't owe me 10 either, that the ride was a freebie. she says i'm going inside wait for me and we'll party at your place and i tell her no. she literally begs me to wait and again i tell her no so she gets out and i drive away, i was just leery of this one.

so i drive back to the club, go inside and see a couple buddies that i hadn't seen in awhile and i put them off for a minute, head to the men's room and wash my hands. then i come out and tell them what happened and why i wanted to wash my hands before shaking theirs.

another short break....

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13 yrs ago

ok here's another one and yes there is a definite pattern regarding several things here but all are true stories.

about 3 or 4 years ago i decide to hit some local bars and as i'm driving down the road i see this hot looking chick on the other side hitchhiking in the opposite direction. i drive a couple blocks say wtf, turn around and pick her up. she's real friendly and she tells me that she was riding with her boyfriend and they got in an arguement and he threw her out of the car and didn't give her time to put her shoes on so yes this one was barefoot too and no it's not like the chicks in ohio can't afford shoes.

so she asks me what i'm doing and i tell her that i was out for some beers and she asks if she could go with me. i tell her that none of the bars will let her inside without shoes so she says let's get some beer and go to your place and party and that she was done with her boyfriend and was supposed to get a paycheck in the morning and she was going back home to west virginia.

although this one was hotter than the previous two she had this trashy demeanor about her and i didn't feel comfortable taking her back to my place so i tell her i can't do that. when she asks why i make up a story and tell her that my girlfriend is there.

she says that she'd still like to party with me so i'm thinking maybe i can just drive somewhere and fuck her in my car so i start driving around trying to figure where a good spot would be and the marina where i kept my boat pops into my mind.

so i drive there and even though it's around 11pm there are some parties going on among the other boaters there and there are lots of people around so i turn around and drive elsewhere.

she then mentions driving to this all night gas station convienence store that's in a bad neighborhood so she could buy some dope and i tell her i'm not going there. she seems tired of my driving in circles and her bubbly personality is dying and i remember a park parking lot where i used to fuck girlfriends years ago when i was a young guy and still didn't have my own place so i drive there. the parking lot had changed. years ago it used to be dark but now it had streetlight type lighting but i said fuck it and stop there anyway and turn off my car's engine. she asks me what i was doing and i answer that she said she wanted to party, put my hand on her leg and she tells me that she doesn't do that and she wants to leave so i tell her that it's the end of her ride then. we were actually about 2 blocks away from where i had orginally picked her up but she obviously didn't know that and she asked me which direction that gas/convience store was in and i pointed south and off she went.

like i previously said, i didn't feel comfortable taking her to my house but in hindsight maybe i should have grabbed some carry out beer and taken her to a cheap motel but then again i have no regrets over this one.

avatar for Dudester
13 yrs ago

Not a sex story, but...

Back in the late 90's, I was driving through Lubbock. I had taken a liking to this one strip club. They were still in their air dance, so I could have a couple of drinks, do some stage tipping, and still spend less than twenty bucks. I was grooving this one dancer from California, but she made it clear-no touching allowed. She did get in trouble for showing her kitty and yanked off of the floor.

In the meantime, I had this running dialogue with a waitress. Between drinks, she kept running back to a book as she had a final exam in the morning. I brought up the idea of her spending the night in my hotel room as I had a spare bed, my hotel was one mile from the campus, and she lived twenty miles away.

I finally convinced her to do it. She got off from work at one, studied until 2, got up at 7, and went early to the campus to do some studying. She slept in her clothes to remind me that this was platonic only.

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