Check out this review of Liddos in Nirobi, Kenya.…If the prices he quoted are legit, the dollar value rating is waaaaay off IMO. He didn't discuss extras, but if you can get a 12-15 minute high mileage lapper for four bucks, imagine what hj, bj or fs would cost you.
last comment…
Still, it would be safe to assume that HIV prevalence rates are much higher in Kenya than in Tijuana. At least in Tijuana, girls are actually tested. Sure this can be bypassed, but at least there is some effort being made. Moreover, there are many facilities available in the area for the girls in Tijuana to receive treatment for less worrisome (but still contagious) STDs like syphilis, gonorrhea, etc. I know first-hand that a lot of the girls do take this seriously down there. I'm not convinced the same standard of care is available in Kenya.…
Anywhere you have no control over being able to leave without someone having to unlock the door is not a place I want to be.
LOL, i was just going to post that review here ;-)…
Think as you wish. If you honestly want to believe that seeking FS in Kenya of all places is safe, be my guest. Probably a better idea if you stopped trolling.