Weiner Action Doll, LOL

i can see it now. mom and dad ask little johnny if he wants a gi joe doll and he answers that he wants a weiner, lol
Sexting scandal inspires Anthony Weiner doll
NEW YORK — An online action figure company has jumped on the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal bandwagon with a doll of the New York congressman in two versions: censored and uncensored.
HeroBuilders.com of Oxford, Conn., is offering the "standard" doll for $39.95 and the anatomically correct "for adults only" version for an extra $10.
Both are dressed in a gym shirt and shorts with a label that reads "Tweet This."
Weiner has acknowledged exchanging messages and photos that ranged from sexually suggestive to explicit with several women online.
Congress on Monday approved a two-week leave of absence for Weiner while he seeks treatment.
The action figure company also makes a plastic Sarah Palin, Barack and Michelle Obama and other talk-of-the-town figures.
Obama on Monday said he'd resign if he were in Weiner's shoes.
last commentLet's just hope Obama starts Tweeting women. LOL
Does it have a GI Joe hand grenade hand grip ?
I'm glad it's anatomically correct, that should include it's asshole + a tube of K-Y Jelly. Once my GI Joe's get one look at him, he's going to wish he had lube-they eat libs for breakfast.
as you probably know he resigned earlier today.
oh and vince, why stop with nobama? pelosi too lmao!