
Streetwalkers, a little off topic.

avatar for troop

just curious, did any of you guys ever pick up a streetwalker? i've had the chances and although tempted have always passed.

some of my temptations..

a few years ago before i became a serious strip clubber i had parked my car in the lot of a regular bar down the road from my house and this really cute petite young honey walks out of the shadows and starts flirting with and hugging me. at this point in my life i would never consider paying for sex but i know something's up so i just ask her if she's working and she answers yes. i tell her i'm not buying, walk away, and enter the bar. a few night later i run into a friend of mine in the same bar and tell him what happened and he tells me that she approached him too on another night. if the same scene unfolded today i'd do her, she was cute.

another time a few years later i'm driving downtown in the early afternoon and a really beautiful chick is strutting on the sidewalk. i crane my neck to check herout and she smiles and blows me a kiss as i drive by. i'm figuring streetwalker and out of curiosity i circle around the block only to see her getting into the front seat of a cop car that had stopped to pick her up. i barely escaped a police sting.

amother time, about 3 years ago i'm driving to a friend's house through a residential area just off a main road and there's this slim older hottie walking on the sidewalk and i verbally say wow as i'm driving by and staring at her. she does the same blow me a kiss thing as the previous girl and although i like what i see i think sting and continue driving to my friend's house. the next day i see her earlier in the day wearing the same clothes as the night before and looking a little worn out walking in the same area. the fantasy lady from the night before doesn't look so good this time so i don't eveb have a second thought about picking her up as i drive by.

there were other situations but the ones above stand out and like i said i've never picked up a streetwalker, or not yet anyway, lol

how about you guys? any stories?


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

Nope. Too much potential for LE stings, as you pointed out. The whole "try before you buy" thing that's available in strip clubs is kinda nice, too.

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago

I've always heard that there is a "LE check", before anything else, but no idea what that involves.

Back in 1975, I used to go early morning bowling right after SNL. This one time a lovely young thing walked up to my car while I was at a traffic light. She stated that her gf had left her at this nearby bar. Said she was walking home. I asked if she wanted a ride, and she jumps in the car. She then asked if I had a way she could make some money for her rent. I asked what she had in mind and she said she would blow me for $10. I said that I'd give her a ride home, but that was it. When we got to her apartment, she offered again and asked me inside for fs. Like you, troop, I was way to paranoid at that time to follow up. Now, You bet I would!

avatar for bang69
13 yrs ago

Strip clubs are safer then picking up a hooker on a street corner & cleaner to.

avatar for potheadpl
13 yrs ago

I'm too paranoid to pick up a streetwalker. Strip clubs are safer.

avatar for shadowcat
13 yrs ago

Back in 1995 I rented a hotel room near the Atlanta airport for the express purpose of picking up a stripper for an OTC gig. I had planned on drinking so I took a taxi to the Goldrush Showbar. The club was located on Stewart Ave long known as a hang out for street walkers and a couple of strip clubs. Well, I struck out at the club and called a cab. No sooner did I get in the cab when the driver asked me if I was interested in a hooker. I let the little head do the thinking and said yes. We drove a few blocks down the street and into a parking lot of an abandoned business. Must have been 50 street walkers there. 99% black, old and ugly. two of them rushed over to the car and hit me up for a "date". One was young and very good looking. May have been her first time out as the older one was telling her how to conduct business. They wanted to do a 3 some but I was only interested in just the younger one. Just then the cops pulled into the lot and the whole herd of prostitues took off. I had the driver take me back to my hotel. On the way there he promised to deliver one to my hotel room but he never did. In a effort to clean up Atlanta before the Olympics Atlanta did a massive clean up job. Even renamed Stewart Ave To Metropolitan Blvd. It has never been the same since.

With all of the stings going on and a bigger threat of STDs, I would not consider it again. Oh, I still will pick up strippers when I get the chance.

avatar for mmdv26
13 yrs ago

I have never hired sex from the street; too many other ways to hire it that seem safer.

When I was in high school, some of us went downtown to a little hotel that had a reputation for being a cat house. A wink at the door man got the wheels in motion, and for $25 each we would get laid. I think five of us went, and maybe two backed out in the lobby at the very last minute. But, I was in, and I was gonna get some...

A lady with big blonde hair and too much make-up introduced herself and lead me to the elevator where an old black man ushered us in and operated the elevator up a floor or two. We got out and went to a room where she instructed me to undress. I was 16 and my sexual conquest to date consisted of some clumsy combination of HJ & BJ by my GF in the car at the drive-in movie. I'm suddenly very scared.

My virginity-taker-to-be began to undress - I had never actually seen a real woman naked - so this was becoming pretty intimidating...maybe even bizarre. I could tell that something wasn't quite right, when suddenly she removed one of her forearms. I didn't know what to do. I was about to get fucked for the very first time by some one-armed whore! Surly this can't be the way my life was supposed to unfold.

She set the prosthetic device on a chair, threw a shirt or something over it, laid down on the bed and asked me to join her. I did, but I was not in the mood for sex. I was not in the mood for actually looking at her either. She held me and stroked by body to try to get me to relax, and eventually I did. I gathered some empathy for her handicapped situation, and actually began to find comfort with her. After a great deal of effort on her part, I was finally functional, and demonstrated that to her by promptly making a mess on her leg.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

I have in the past,but it has been a long, long time. I've seen too many funky things go on. Once (I've told this here before) a co-worker picked up a "babe" on 8 Mile Road in Detroit, and when things started getting intense, he reached between "her" legs and felt a dick !!! LMAO

avatar for joesparty
13 yrs ago

If you want some interesting reading on this topic, check out the threads at www.usasexguide. info (cut & paste into browser and remove space before "info"). The guys who are into this literally and very often risk their lives and/or property. I understand the rush it can provide, but no way am I ever tempted to try.

avatar for troop
13 yrs ago

interesting stories and comments guys ;)

avatar for samsung1
13 yrs ago

I was at a grocery store that was nearby a strip club and motel (I-71/E. Dublin Granville). I saw a woman walking from that direction in the grocery store parking lot. She flagged my car down after she saw me staring at her. She asked for a ride since it was so hot outside. I agreed as it sounded innocent enough and she looked attractive from a distance. When she was in my car she started smoking and I could tell up close she was not attractive. She started to ask me if I wanted a date tonight and how much money I had on me. She then wanted me to stop and buy her Tim Horton's coffee but I ignored her. She kept promising me she was not a cop but I just told her we had a misunderstanding and I was not interested in dating her. After dropping her off, she flagged down my car again saying she forgot something. She reached under her passenger seat and pulled out a knife. Thank god I did not flash any money to her or she might have just robbed me at knife point. The next day I regretted my decision of not hooking up with her and thought I should have at least got her number for a rainy day. Anyways, I went to that strip club I saw her coming from (Danny's Gold Fox - now out of business) and paid the $8 cover charge a few times in hopes of seeing her again. I never did and that club sucked and was a waste of my money. Oh well, never saw her again, looking back good thing I did not take any chances.

The next year in that same road I was at a gas station (BP right off the highway on I-71/E. dublin granville). A pregnant woman comes up to me with a man but the man goes inside the store while the woman approaches me. I could see the man inside the store staring at us. She told me her and her husband were broke down and needed to make some money. She offered to do anything for me in exchange for a some help. I figured she must have been a prostitute and the guy was her pimp. I ended up giving her $5 and telling her I just wanted a quick hug (pressed up against her big pregnant boobs). She thanked me and walked away. I saw her pimp come out and heard her say "he just gave me $5 for a hug that's all". Again, I regretted my decision the next day and the next week I went to that same BP station to fill up my tank in hopes of seeing her again.

avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

None of these stories makes regret my decision to avoid street hookers. :)) I've had good luck with strippers over the years, and I don't see any reason to change.

avatar for Player11
13 yrs ago

I have not done them. The SC experience provides a great look before you buy.

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


Your "regret" after the fact hits home with me. I've often regretted decisions the next day when it comes to dancer and such. I then just think that everything has worked out pretty well in all my years, so I guess I've decided well. Only would take one wrong "regret" to really mess things up. In my world, it wouldn't be worth it.

avatar for sharkhunter
13 yrs ago

I remember one club wasn't in the best part of town but I never saw any trouble there. One night the regular parking lot was full but there was additional parking in the back off the side street along the club. I parked back there. As I was leaving the club, one girl in a skirt was hanging around my car. She looked pretty good too so I was surprised. She could have been working in the club. My main worry back then was getting harassed by the cops due to my brother's driving or my driving but I was much more cautious than he was. I determined she was not a cop after a couple of questions. Anyway I'm paranoid about posting things online even though it's 50/50 chance what I'm posting is true or not. So to sum up, I drove off. Sorry for the tease.

avatar for johnbrwon001
13 yrs ago

You can't ask a trick if she's a cop since she's under no obligation to tell the truth if she's working undercover but you can ask her to strip for you or to pose for naked pics since most likely a cop wouldn't go that far and it's not illegal to pose naked for money.

I think I heard that bit of advice on Manswers.

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


As I mentioned above, I hear talk about a "LE check", but have no idea how that is accomplished. Guys/gals, any ideas?

avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

Clubber, the most effective way is to get her to offer sex for money. However, if she's not a cop, the most effective way for her to verify that you aren't a cop is to get you to offer money for sex. :) Kind of a catch 22 thing.

avatar for johnbrwon001
13 yrs ago

I would just straight out ask to see her naked and if you could take some nude pics. It's not illegal and if she's a cop she probably won't go for it.

She'd also know you weren't a cop since you're not asking for sex directly. Not yet, anyway.

avatar for troop
13 yrs ago

the problem with even talking to an undercover streetwalker without even discussing money is the fact that the cops can say you did just so they can get a bust then it's your word against their's in court. who do you think the judge is going to believe?

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


I would agree, but I do believe that they record their sting operations so they pretty much have an air tight case.

avatar for BigTuna1
11 yrs ago

Classsic tuscl shit !

avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

Good guy.

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