
Contribution of Barmaids/Waitresses to your good time...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 8:54 PM
My favorite barmaid was not working tonight, and I realized her not being there lowered my overall enjoyment, even though the dancers were fine and the drinks from an otherwise okay bartender were just as good. It got me to wondering whether others tie any significance to who's serving drinks with your enjoyment of the SC scene? And if so, what about your favorite barmaid/waitress makes it more fun, aside from her simply being hot? For me, it's a barmaid named Carla who's in her late 30s, petite, and a bundle of energy. She always greets me by name when I arrive and if she's not swamped, gives me a big hug. She is cute and wears the standard-issue low cut tank tops the club provides, but is not there to compete with the dancers. She is however awesome behind the bar - making sure everyone has drinks, delivering food, and cleaning up. She remembers I like a glass of water on the side and always lets me run a tab without all the driver's license and credit card folderol. And when she gets free moments, she stops to chat, always remembering tidbits about my life in between our visits. Basically, she's always glad to see me, offers great service with a smile, and easy on the eyes - what could be better? Anybody else care enough about their drink servers to share?...


  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I agree, Rod8432. At my favorite home town club, there are 2 waitresses there, that have worked there a long time. Both are smoking hot, I'd enjoy watching them up on stage and getting lap dances from. But their service to the customer is superb, they waste little time getting drinks to their customers and take the time to chat when they have the time.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    All of the barmaids I've seen lately have seemed rather cold though efficient. Can't say why though.
  • Drippy
    13 years ago
    Yes, the waitress can add to the overall enjoyment. May times, as VM said, they are smoking hot and add to the fantasy.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Rod, Of course they are important. Anyone that distracts or adds to ones enjoyment is important. Of course they can be important, negatively or positively.
  • Otto22
    13 years ago
    With few exceptions the servers are an intrusion rather than an enhancement of the experience. A few clubs have girls who dance as well as serve and they can be fun when they aren't dancing but most servers, especially the shot girls, are nothing special.
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    In my limited experience I have never had a waitress add a lot to my visit. On the other hand, earlier this week I was sorely disappointed that the awesome bartender at one club was not working. If it had not been for her, I would never have given this place a second chance which would have been a damn shame considering the "service" I have since received there. Having said that, the main thing is the dancers, and I quickly was distracted from my disappointment.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Studio 4 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada has topless waitresses one night a week. I will report back.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Generally speaking NO. They do not add to my enjoyment of a strip club visit. They are either like cops "there is never one around when you want one" or they are constantly annoying you by asking if you want another drink (they are hustling for tips). Having said that there are exceptions. At my favorite club, I have a running dialog going with Jen, the day shift waitress. She is a cutie and knows my name and drink. I keep bugging her for a lap dance. I have a standing offer with her to be her first customer if she ever deceides to change occupations to dancer.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Anytime, Jen gives lap dances, shadowcat, I'll buy them,also.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    There is hope Vince. She used to be the door girl. LOL.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    sc/vm, What you guys should concentrate your efforts doing is simple. Get your Asian friend to visit Miami or Key West.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Clubber: Eat your heart out. Last visit to my favorite club I did 5 2 for 1's with her at $20/ea. She suggested making a sandwich out of me with the one that did go to Key West. And that one said that they would give me a heart attack.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    sc, OH, but what a way to go!
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Prim0 you are spending too much time at kahoots. I have noticed the waitresses there will wait by the door and pin you the minute you walk in. Some guys like this fast service but I dislike it because I like to spend a few minutes.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Superdude, thanks for the intel on windsor clubs. I think some of the Detroit clubs are so laid back though they would not mind having their waitresses flash customers.
  • TimboAtl
    13 years ago
    Well, I'm now getting FS in the VIP from someone who was a waitress three months ago. So she is definitely contributing to my enjoyment.
  • scatterbrain
    13 years ago
    I believe a good waitress/bartender can add significantly to my enjoyment. I usually sit at the bar and the good ones are attentive to my drink needs in a timely manner, and they also can usually give some good tips on which dancers to engage or avoid.
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