Due to a change of plans this weekend, we are headed into the Lake Geneva area. Since nightlife is pretty non-existant (by Chicago standards) does anyone know of a couple friendly strip club near Lake Geneva? I know Sugar Shack is there but the reviews seem pretty mixed on how friendly it is for women. If anyone has any comments or can help we would appreciate it.
TUSCL is great site for this kind of question. Click on "Locator" at the top of this page to get a map of the US. Zoom in on southern Wisconsin. Click on Lake Geneva. A list of nearby clubs and a map with markers will be displayed. There you go! Four clubs listed within 20 miles. Diamond Jims is top rated and has over 30 reviews.
Hate to burst a bubble but a word from someone who worked at Diamond Jims and left due to, well, the clubs recent downslide, i really wouldn't make a trip there. First i know the girls currently there and they are less than couple friendly to say the least. The club is small and dank. The ld and vip areas are less than private, one being right behind the djs booth. They've dropped standards in hiring 'quality' entertainers and the whole atmosphere there is drab and depressing, most the girls rarely smile if they look at you at all. Sorry. Wish i had something more possitive to say. It was my home club for 3 years. A year or so ago it really started to decline, so i found a new club.
Thanks for your comments. We ended up deciding we were not doing a club this weekend but were just returning to an old haunt from our past for some much needed couple time. Maybe we will see you in the near future.
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