Acceptable Reviews, Articles, And Discussions On tuscl

avatar for farmerart
I posted a discussion on Canada-US SC differences a few months ago: what is legal in Canada can be illegal in US. A significant difference in the SC cultures in the two countries is the difference in the prostitution laws in each country: legal in Canada, illegal in US. There have been many discussions here about what should and should not be described in reviews in the light of possible LE interest.

Because of this disconnect in the laws in the two countries, I try to be circumspect in my reviews but I rarely succeed. My behaviour has been conditioned by my life in Canada, and quite simply, I often completely forget myself when I post a review or article or take part in the discussions.

A recent post about drugging a dancer got me seriously rethinking just what should and should not be posted here on tuscl. IMO something like that should be stomped on with severity. Ergo, should I keep quiet about my acts that other people might have similar strong feelings about.

For you tuscl guys with strong opinions, give me some advice, please. Continue as I am doing. Try harder to restrain my comments. Stop entirely.


last comment
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Continue as you are doing, farmerart. If someone doesn't like what you post, so be it. I have strong opinions, you've seen them. If I am truly out of line, Founder will punish me. He did once, and I learned valuable things.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Agreed. Throw it out there and let founder or his minions sort it out.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
+1. Do your best to avoid naming names and getting people (who don't deserve it) in trouble, and it should be fine.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
avatar for EarlTee
14 years ago
As I understand it, everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction.
avatar for EarlTee
14 years ago
As I understand it, everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction.
avatar for EarlTee
14 years ago
As I understand it, everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
And often repetitive! :)
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
"A recent post about drugging a dancer"

I must have missed this post. Wrong, illegal, despicable.

As for consensual fun, I used to be more circumspect when I wrote about my activities. Maybe I should return to that mode. I never mention the names of dancers who provide extras but I do mention the clubs. Could that bring law enforcement down on the clubs?
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
You mean some of you guys actually posted factual information? I can't believe it. I need to find a strip club with hot dancers who offer free bj's. I know such clubs must be out there somewhere. I remember one girl used to do that but she made me nervous every time she did that in a club. Then her constant begging to have sex made me feel like she was a customer asking me for things. I kept telling her no, not right now, I just got to the strip club and want to party for a while. At least she introduced herself to me before trying to have sex with me. I just say no to strange girls who don't even say hi when they see me but just try to take me back to their place. They must think any guy in a strip club is ready to screw any girl at a moment's notice. Not me, I don't trust girls in strip clubs, they try to charge you without telling you dances etc, cost money. Of course I usually like free dances and other free things. I just wanted to say you should believe everything I say too.
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
Well unless you think I'm not telling the truth of course.
avatar for Stiletto25
14 years ago
I honestly am not sure how to answer your question. But you must be a decent human being to post this thread.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
well art i can't advise you on what to say or reveal in your reviews but i can tell you what i won't say in my reviews. if i or a dancer break the club rules or state laws when i'm getting dances or spending time with her i'm not going to talk about it here or mention her name because it's not just the cops that might be reading what i wrote and use it against the dancer or club. club ownership/management/employees might also read what i wrote and possibly crack down on that dancer or all of the dancers in that club making what is already a hard to get pleasant club experience even harder to get in the future.
i've always had a policy of not naming names and i will continue to not name names of the good girls but i have recently somewhat altered my policy and outed a couple robs. i will sometimes continue to out some robs but i will never out the good girls and i will never be explicit regarding any extras or extra mileage that i've received in a club.
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
I have been a bit vague in some of my reviews and haven't until recently posted much on the discussion board. However, beyond not naming names, I don't really see all that much that is or should be off limits, unless Founder says so for legal reasons. I seriously doubt that there are many cases where a post on here has alerted local authorities to activities they didn't already know about. He'll, in most cases they can just drive by a packed parking lot and foggier that somebody must be getting something. And don't get me started on the silly sites with secret codes like Billy Joel and Frank Sinatra to describe what goes on in the back room. I am sure police can't crack that code.

One thing I will do, along the lines of not naming names, is to obscure details that might give away a dancer's identity, or my own. Sometimes I will also wait an appropriate amount of time for that same reason.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
The morons that name dancers in the context of services provided are just jackasses.

In terms of specific services at clubs, why make it easy for LE? Might they know anyway? Very possible. But why continually confirm it? In the northeast I have noticed a strong correlation between a tidal wave of posts about BJs and FS and subsequent club raids. While this could be coindcidental, one would have to be stupid to believe that LE never reads these reviews. Why make it easier to justify the time and expense of sending in undercovers?

avatar for newmark
14 years ago
Rickdugan, I understand what you are saying. My disagreement, however small, is with the idea that we can somehow let each other know information that we are at the same time hiding from potential prying eyes. Even a statement like "I left happy" could indicate that sending in an undercover officer might yield a bust. So unless reviews are limited strictly to the physical layout of the club, speed and expense of drink service and the attractiveness of the dancers, anything we say could end up, at least theoretically, causing a problem. However, reviews that are thus limited would render this site useless to all of us.

And that doesn't even consider how easy it is to tie our message board comments, which tend to be more liberal, back to the clubs we visit based on the reviews we enter.

It would even be a fairly safe bet to assume that any law enforcement personnel who are aware of this site could check out their local clubs without reading even one comment, just by checking the top 100 and the value ratings.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Use good judgment. Don't hurt anyone. Expose ROBs. Less is more.
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