Melbourne prostitution sting nets 7 arrests

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Melbourne police arrested seven people today during an undercover operation targeting prostitution on the north end of the city.

The operation began about 5 a.m. and continued to 11 a.m. with undercover officers with the Melbourne Police Department's Special Operations Unit meeting with several suspected prostitutes and negotiating prices for sex acts.

Arrested were Wanda G. Brames, 46; Jennifer L. Talley, 23; Terri J. Latonik, 50; Donna Radar, age unknown; Tennile L. Love, 29; Krystal Kirby, 27; and Susan R. Meracle, 26. They were all charged with solicitation for prostitution, police report.

Officers targeted the area of Cypress Avenue and Aurora Road on the north end of the city after numerous complaints from residents about prostitution in the area.…


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avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Woohooo. Good job, pigs. Make the streets safe !!
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Wow!!! Check out the mug shots. GOOOOOOD JOB, PIGS !!!
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
I'm strangely attracted to the one listed as "age unknown".
avatar for Mark974
14 years ago
Larry you are looney, I would not touch one of them for any amount of money. Even the phrase last women on earth bring nightmares.
avatar for dv0564
14 years ago
serious skanks here
avatar for Otto22
14 years ago
As a Melbourne resident I am ashamed - ashamed of the quality of these skanks shown in these pictures. Given the neighborhood they were working in, they were not going after businessmen. Since superior strange can be found 5 miles east along the beach, these losers must have targeted hobbyists on bicycles.
avatar for fla_funmeister
14 years ago
Providers can be found there? Or just strange that can be picked up?
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