
Hairy Knee Caps,Yeast Infection Grind, and Walking on the ceiling

Sunday, March 27, 2011 6:30 PM
Where the hell do I begin? Took clients out on business last evening. Got some dances and as I was caressing the gals legs.... Hairy knee caps, wondering if the gals forget to shave them? Next off the visit is my client had a dance from a different gal, he sat back at our table with a white, creamy spot on the knee of his pants. He didn't notice until a dancer sat on his knee with her ass facing him. She stood up wiping her ass while asing him wtf is that? He pointed out who he got a dance from. The dancer that sat on the cream told him "That bitch has a yeast infection and scratch grinds on customers" Our whole table broke into laughs, except the victim. LOL... Lastly...... Anyone ever seen a dancer walk on the ceiling holding onto the pole. Loved that.


  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Hairy, or just fuzzy? Lots of girls I know don't shave above the knee if it's just peach fuzz. As for the yeast infection, yuck! Glad that's never happened to me. I've seen several girls do the walking on the ceiling thing, at least in limited form, but I've only seen one girl actually walk *around* the pole completely. Talk about impressive.
  • DougS
    13 years ago
    I've seen some amazing pole tricks, but I have to say I've not seen the "walking on the ceiling"... sounds cool. I assume it was one of those poles that spin, she was "walking in circles" around the pole?
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    I hate when girls let their legs go. Stubble is a big turnoff.
    13 years ago
    Th San Diego Vu (on Midway) had the multi-year champion pole dancer among it's gals. She could walk on the ceiling in a circle around the pole, and also do the splits upside down. She had more things too. Said the key to winning the competition was to come with something new each year. I tipped her $20.
    13 years ago
    Walking around the pole upside down. I've seen a gal put her legs behind her head on the pole. MAJOR SKILL !! The knees were stubble, not lanugo. LMAO
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    walking on the ceiling holding onto the pole? Never seen that one. I gotta check youtube and see if there is a vid for that!
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    There are several. And apparently, walking around the pole isn't as rare elsewhere as I believed.
  • Michigan
    13 years ago
    The trick I've ever seen was a gal who could put both legs behind her shoulders and then do full pushups without anything touching the stage except her hands. She finish by pushing herself completely off the stage and snap into a normal pushup.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I have not seen the walking on ceiling pole trick. I'll have to challenge some local dancers on that one. Here is a video I found on youtube..let me know if you guys one better stripper walk on ceiling [view link]
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