Do prostitutes become strippers or do strippers become prostitutes?<P>I think it goes both ways. Prostitutes/escorts are being run off the streets and internet by LE. Strip clubs provide a venue for picking up new customers.<P>Strippers are having to turn to prostitution to meet the competition.<P>My gut feeling is that more strippers are becoming prostitutes than the other way around. But it's all good.
I know one prostitute that said she was too shy to be a stripper. I think the personalities of prostitutes tend to be on the shy side where as the strippers tend to be more outgoing and willing to get on stage to perform.
Nice try with the <p> but that only for some reason applies to PM and blogs/articles. The format is
<p>This is some text in a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is some text in the next paragraph.</p>
I was thinking about this chicken/egg idea with Detroit and 8 mile. It is a prostitution street but also some really nice strip clubs in the 8 mile area. Also this applies to Sullivant Ave in Columbus. Several street hookers but also a dive club used to be there called Rumor's. What are the strippers at rumor's going to do? street hook on sullivant ave?
That's an easy one, though the answer depends on whether one believes in evolution or creationism. If you're a creationist, the bible says that god created the birds of the air and the beasts of the air, so obviously the chicken came first. If you're an evolutionists, then something that was not a chicken laid the egg that hatched the first chicken, so the egg obviously came first.
The year 44 B.C. a prostitute disrobed (actual Roman style) with some sultry body motions. Her customer proceeded to blow his load all over himself and paid her anyway. The rest is history. True story.
All my experience is with full-time strippers who do some prostitution on the side. They start out as dancers at 18 or 19, and then learn to supplement their income by providing extras inside or outside the club. If they have a bad week at dancing, they push the extras more aggressively. And as strippers they have access to a large number of drunk and horny men as a customer base for extra services.
Another question...which came first, the protitute/strippers or the moralist assholes who want to tell us that we shouldn't be allowed to participate with each other as consenting adults?!
Prim0: But again, the answer depends on your belief in God. God is the original moralist, asshole or otherwise, for many, so for them the answer is clear. For those of us in the "doubting" camp, it's usually true that among humans objections seldom arise out of mere speculation, but rather in response to some action by others. So for us, the prostitutes probably came first.
Nice try with the <p> but that only for some reason applies to PM and blogs/articles. The format is
<p>This is some text in a paragraph.</p>
<p>This is some text in the next paragraph.</p>
See? Easy.
Another question...which came first, the protitute/strippers or the moralist assholes who want to tell us that we shouldn't be allowed to participate with each other as consenting adults?!
Let's try for harder ones next time, shall we? :)