
avatar for CTQWERTY
<span style="font-family: Tahoma">Now with a little more time, I've been meaning to write up some insight/advice, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp; Here goes!<br />
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Before going, I'd print out from the </span><a href="… style="font-family: Tahoma"></span></a><span style="font-family: Tahoma"> website one free pass (or multiple, as a club may honor a competitor's free admit) for each club you might possibly go to.&nbsp;&nbsp; I was surprised Hustler Club honored it, but they did.&nbsp;&nbsp; On the back, print out a Google map of where each club is to help you navigate.&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="color: #339966"><i>If you're familiar with Detroit, you know it's a mixed bag.&nbsp;&nbsp; Prepare multiple options!<img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/shades_smile.gif" /><br />
</i></span><br />
I also shopped on </span><a href=""><s… style="font-family: Tahoma"></span></a><span style="font-family: Tahoma"> for discounted dining deals.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mati's deli in Dearborn was superb!&nbsp;&nbsp; Two sandwiches and one julienne salad to go for $22-$10 discount and I was out the door for $12 with food for 3 meals.&nbsp;&nbsp; Sunday I used a $10 off certificate for Pete's Place in Taylor; one reuben with extras, then a shake and julienne salad to go.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Total&nbsp;of $14 after $10 off.&nbsp;&nbsp; Monday, I redeemed a $25 certificate for the Ha Penny Pub in Romulus (inside the Marriot hotel.)&nbsp;&nbsp; Had a clam chowder bowl and reuben dine in, then got a carryout salmon entree to go (last night's dinner.)&nbsp;&nbsp;[If you want their heavily discounted sale notifications, supply </span><a href=""><s… style="font-family: Tahoma"></span></a><span style="font-family: Tahoma"> with your e-mail address; then you'll&nbsp;be informed of 70 and 80%&nbsp;off sales.&nbsp;&nbsp; Plus, they don't whore out your address to third parties.]&nbsp;<br />
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Got a two night stay on </span><a href=""><sp… style="font-family: Tahoma"></span></a><span style="font-family: Tahoma">.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bid $38 for a 3-star hotel at the airport and received the Crown Plaza&nbsp;-----&gt; VERY, VERY nice hotel!<img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/shades_smile.gif" /><br />
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Other pertinent info:&nbsp;&nbsp; Pay cover ($5 or try the </span><a href="… style="font-family: Tahoma"></span></a><span style="font-family: Tahoma"> free pass) once to get into Bogart's or Henry's North (within a half mile of each other.)&nbsp;&nbsp; Then ask the door guy for a free pass (it's business card size) upon exiting and he'll date and initial it.&nbsp;&nbsp; This allows&nbsp;you free cover to the other club (also to John's Hot Spot, but I've never been there.)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It got to the point I was asking for them so many times one door guy finally gave me a few blank ones to &quot;fill out on my own.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
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Little known fact:&nbsp; A VIP bracelet for Henry's North works for&nbsp;VIP at Henry's Southgate and vice versa.&nbsp;&nbsp; I had mine still on so it was mentioned to me both by a dancer and the VIP&nbsp;bouncer at the 2nd club of the day...<br />
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$10 dance days:&nbsp;&nbsp; Henry's North on Mondays; Bogart's on Tuesdays; I'm sure Henry's South and John's Hot Spot have them as well, but am unsure of the days.&nbsp;&nbsp; Call to find out.&nbsp;&nbsp; Then again call other clubs to find out when their discounted dances are as well.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br />
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Stick it to the Flight Club valet!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; $7 to park a car?!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; C'mon.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you agree, as you depart Bogart's, leave your car there, walk across Michigan Ave. (I've done it... you'll live!),&nbsp;and then walk one block east to the Flight Club.&nbsp;&nbsp; There is a sidewalk, though it my be partially flooded with melting snow = watch your step.&nbsp;&nbsp; Valet guy saw me but didn't think twice.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you do this before 6pm you can avoid paying cover at Flight Club as well.&nbsp;&nbsp; And plan (withdraw money from your bank) in advance; <img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/angry_smile.gif" /><b><span style="color: #ff0000">NO ONE SHOULD BE PATRONIZING THE 'CASH ADVANCE' DESK WHICH DOLES OUT A 20% SURCHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/angry_smile.gif" />&nbsp;</span></b><span style="color: #ff0000">&nbsp; </span>Also, remember the Terminator movies?&nbsp;&nbsp; That's the Flight Club's shot girl mentality.&nbsp;&nbsp; If a dancer joins you for company, rest assured shot girl has seen it and is coming for you faster than, well hopefully you get the idea.&nbsp;&nbsp; Practice some 'cognitive dissonance' with shot girl and her ability to &quot;read between the lines&quot; should check her behavior for the duration of your visit [No matter what her pitch was, I kept saying &quot;No, I'm fine.&quot;]<br />
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Check for a club's website.&nbsp;&nbsp; SuperDude told me about The Coliseum's, and Landing Strip has their own as well.&nbsp;&nbsp; Why?&nbsp;&nbsp; Both have printable certificates for free cover.&nbsp;&nbsp; BUT: printout multiple copies.&nbsp;&nbsp; Why?&nbsp;&nbsp; Because if some clubs don't honor the </span><a href="… style="font-family: Tahoma"></span></a><span style="font-family: Tahoma">&nbsp;&quot;free pass&quot;, they may match a competitor's free cover offer.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It would be worth a try to see if Penthouse Club and Flight Club (other high end Detroit clubs) would match competitors Landing Strip and Coliseum.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Why?&nbsp;&nbsp; Because high end chain Silk in Milwaukee told me they &quot;honor ALL competitors coupons.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; Who doesn't like saving money!!!<img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/shades_smile.gif" />&nbsp;&nbsp; [By the way, The Coliseum's free cover pass comes with a &quot;buy one, get one free lunch offer&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp; Try it at Flight Club!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Eat one lunch on-site and get the other to go.]<br />
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Some club locales lend themselves to free parking steps from the club.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Landing Strip sits on the edge of a small business district in Romulus.&nbsp;&nbsp; At night, the businesses are closed and plenty of street parking along the main drag are available.&nbsp;&nbsp; I did it and had a half block walk to the club.&nbsp;&nbsp; Car was fine and area was reasonably well lit with no seedy-looking characters around.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I saved a $6 valet charge by doing so.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br />
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Remember: Detroit is very much a mixed bag.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Despite my numerous money-saving actions listed above, I probably still managed to rack up $200 alone in drinks and waitress/bartender tips<img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/omg_smile.gif" />, and a couple dancer drinks<img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif" /> (hey, if they were entertaining I rewarded them.)&nbsp;&nbsp; Many clubs require&nbsp;a patron&nbsp;to have a drink in front of them at all times... but it's usually okay to nurse one forever.&nbsp;&nbsp; [True Bogart's story:&nbsp;&nbsp; I&nbsp;asked &nbsp;the bartender&nbsp;whether they'd mind me refilling my bottled water in the men's bathroom.&nbsp;&nbsp; The response?&nbsp;&nbsp; &quot;No *laugh* they watch for that sh*t!&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; True Henry's North story:&nbsp;&nbsp; Me (at closing) &quot;Can I sell this back to you--it's unopened?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bartender &quot;No.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; Me: &quot;Can I bring it back in tomorrow?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bartender: &quot;No.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; Two days later I still have 3 unopened bottled waters awaiting consumption...]<br />
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And the very last: Stand firm in negotiating--make sure the deal is agreed to up front.&nbsp;&nbsp; If they won't discuss specifics up front, tell them to come back when they will.&nbsp;&nbsp; I can't tell you how many times I heard from dancers &quot;Let's go get a dance and we'll work it out then.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; NO, NO, NO, NO!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; One gets the worst kind of hustler behavior then.&nbsp;&nbsp; Don't be an impulsive buyer.&nbsp;&nbsp; All I can say is it was a very wise decision to go to Henry's in Southgate prior to The Hustler Club.<br />
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<div style="text-align: center">**** Don't enter <span style="color: #ff0000"><b>any</b></span> Detroit Club with less than 2 condoms <img alt="" src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/angel_smile.gif" />****<br />


last comment
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
&nbsp;Great article CT, I really enjoyed reading this. &nbsp;<br />
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&quot;<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Tahoma; color: rgb(64, 64, 64); ">And the very last: Stand firm in negotiating--make sure the deal is agreed to up front.&nbsp;&nbsp; If they won't discuss specifics up front, tell them to come back when they will.&nbsp;&nbsp; I can't tell you how many times I heard from dancers &quot;Let's go get a dance and we'll work it out then.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp; NO, NO, NO, NO!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; One gets the worst kind of hustler behavior then.&nbsp;&nbsp; Don't be an impulsive buyer.&nbsp;&nbsp; All I can say is it was a very wise decision to go to Henry's in Southgate prior to The Hustler Club.&quot;<br />
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^^ perfect advice for any SC for extras.<br />
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I hope the regulations are not going to ruin the Detroit clubs. &nbsp;<br />
<br type="_moz" />
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Thanks, Sam
avatar for Drippy
15 years ago
Thanks CT.&nbsp; Great advice for anyone visiting Detroit.&nbsp; The Metro area has a fantastic SC culture.&nbsp; You can always have a good time. But as always, YMMV.<br type="_moz" />
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Great post.&nbsp; Thanks.&nbsp; The $10 day for John's Hot Spot is Thursday.</p>
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
$10 dance nights: H8N = Monday, Bogarts = Tuesday, H8S = Wednesday, John's Wet Spot = Thursday<br />
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The Hamilton clubs - H8N &amp; S, Bogarts, and John's, are not in the city of Detroit, and are not affected by the new regulations.<br type="_moz" />
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
<p>CT speaks with experience, the clubs he mentions are ones I stop in at, samsung1, expect the worst, we've been through the cycle before. Everyone will desert the Detroit clubs for the suburban ones.</p>
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
Thanks for the compliments folks!
avatar for Slowalk
15 years ago
What are the new regulations in Detroit?
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
14 years ago
Hey if any Detroiters could give advance clarity on the brand-name and size of bottled water at a given club, you could BUY the bottle in advance, smuggle it inside a pocket, and prop it up in front of you and thus NEVER buy a drink ... :P
avatar for CTQWERTY
13 years ago
Book Guy, its often so slow in the Detroit clubs these days, the bartender/waitresses watch you like a hawk since you're their chance to make a tip.
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