Southern Connecticut

avatar for rickdugan
<p>Connecticut can be a lot of fun in the right cities, but dreadfully boring in others.&nbsp; Here is a rundown of some of the cities and places that I have visited in my travels.&nbsp; Hopefully this will help any of you who are traveling on the I-95 stretch in Southern Connecticut.<br />
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<u>Stamford<br />
</u>The three clubs in Stamford are as follows:<br />
<li><u>Beamers</u> - An&nbsp;upscale club with&nbsp;some beautiful ladies.&nbsp; A lot of white girls but also some beautiful exotic and latina mixes.&nbsp; Not, however, the most exciting club in the world (which can be said of all of Stamford) and when the girls talk to you it makes you want to go to sleap, but the only club in Stamford with much quality.</li>
<li><u>Hideaway Cafe</u> - This place is well named and sits in the back of an industrial area.&nbsp; The first time you go there you will definately think you are lost.&nbsp; Once you get there, however, you may wish you never found the place as the quality is a bit off, though occasionally you will find a diamond in the rough.&nbsp; The bar is far away from a stage set down a small staircase.&nbsp; I hear there is a good chance of making a friend there but I am not sure you want to.</li>
<li><u>Harry Os</u>&nbsp;- Another low quality place with a lot of fat Dominican girls.&nbsp; I kind of like the seedy feel of it though and the girls are friendly, generally willing to sit for a long time if you feed them drinks.&nbsp; The stage has an opening by a pool table where you can stand while the girl puts her ... in your face and the contact rules are not aggressively enforced.&nbsp; Overall this can be a fun place on the right night, but manage your expectations.</li>
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<u>Norwalk<br />
<li>There is one club in Norwalk, called the <u>Office Cafe,</u> formerly Mermaids.&nbsp; Small place in a little strip mall.&nbsp; Ok for a local hangout, but not very exciting for a strip club.&nbsp; Norwalk PD is very strict with these types of places and the local uniform cops are in and out of this place multiple times on any given night.&nbsp; At one time they used to have so much trouble finding girls to dance that they paid them an hourly wage (as opposed to the girls paying to work there, which is the norm).&nbsp;&nbsp;I hear that it has changed, but if it is in Norwalk I am sure that the unexciting part has stayed the same.</li>
<u>Bridgeport<br />
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</u>First, a word about Bridgeport.&nbsp; This is a city where anything goes and you can find anything to suit your fancy.&nbsp; Below is a description of the different places and their gimmicks<br />
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<li><u>Scruples</u> - An&nbsp;upscale club with&nbsp;some beautiful ladies.&nbsp; A lot of different white girls but also some beautiful exotic and latina mixes.&nbsp; As with many clubs of this type, not the most exciting place, but definately a lot of very beautiful women.</li>
<li><u>Ruby II</u> - This place is a nude BYOB joint that can be a lot of fun.&nbsp; You can leave your bottle there and come back later that year and hit it some more.&nbsp; There is a bar by the front door and a stage not too far away, and the nude&nbsp;girls will often walk on a part of the stage near&nbsp;the bar to solicit tips.&nbsp;&nbsp;In terms of other things,&nbsp;this place is hit or miss&nbsp;but it is&nbsp;available with some of the lesser quality girls.&nbsp; Overall this&nbsp;can be a blast&nbsp;or a calm night - hard to&nbsp;peg here.</li>
<li><u>Teddies, George's Cafe and Bishops Corner</u>&nbsp;- I bunched these together for a reason in that they are basically interchangeable.&nbsp; Same gimmick in all three - low to mid-quality girls with a lot of black and Dominican mixed in, mediocre stage dances (if the girls even really bother) and a heavy-petting push to get you into a back room (or in the case of Bishop a leather chair in a cubicle style area set near the bathrooms).&nbsp; Many of the girls are very&nbsp;friendly and I will let your imagination take it from there.</li>
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There are a couple of other places in Bridgeport that I have not been to, but I hear that they are generally in the category of the last three above.<br />
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Hope that helps any of you traveling to Southern CT.<br />
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When my VIP subscription runs out again, look for my next reviews on: Milwaukee, WI,&nbsp;Fort Worth, TX and Mobile, AL.<br />
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Just FYI, I believe that you don't have to wait for your subscription to run out.&nbsp; It will be extended by four weeks every time you submit an article or review.&nbsp; Four weeks from the <b>end</b> of your current subscription, that is, not four weeks from the date of your submission.<br type="_moz" />
Thanks Georg.<br />
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1.&nbsp; Please note that I incorrectly mentioned George's - this should have been Keystone.&nbsp; I have never been to George's Cafe so I cannot comment on it.<br />
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2. I just learned from one of the reviews on this site that Bishops has replaced its leather chair (aka the &quot;Love Seat&quot;) with hard chairs.&nbsp; It has been a while since I have visited Bishops, so my info is obviously a little dated, though I suspect that the other info about the girls is probably still pretty accurate.<br />
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avatar for brutus85
15 years ago
Thanks for the info.&nbsp; I have been planning an East coast swing where I hit Vic's in NJ, maybe Patterson, NJ, and then on to Connecticut for the first time.
&quot;When my VIP subscription runs out again, look for my next reviews on: Milwaukee, WI,&nbsp;Fort Worth, TX and Mobile, AL.&quot;<br />
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<span style="font-size: larger;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">I guess we'll all be waiting with bated breath for those strip club reviews from Fort Worth, TX &amp; Mobile, AL, eh noob?&nbsp; Or will those be based on out-of-date or otherwise worthless info like some of the above??&nbsp; Ugh...I really, really don't get this whole facade noob.&nbsp; You spend <b>more</b> time on here talking about why you can't review a set of clubs (or when you'll actually get around to reviewing them...yeah right!) as it would take to actually <b>sit down &amp; write those reviews in the first place</b>...sheesh...</span></span><br />
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