Glitter, Perfume, and the Destruction of a Client Base

avatar for BABaracus216
A lot of us, including myself, have had encounters with women that unfortunately lacked good personal hygiene practices. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shame the women. If I was spinning around on a pole, I would likely be sweating and a bit foul also. However, once I get a whiff of it, the mood is completely gone as well as their ability to keep my wallet spitting out twenties like an ATM. Therefore, I've seen some girls overcompensate by putting on perfume to smell good -- and also glitter to make themselves sparkle. I mean all that glitters is gold, so why not?

For those that want me to just get to the point, in my opinion, women need to stop using perfume and glitter entirely at clubs. It is what is best for the dancer, the club, and the patrons. While the smell of BO will keep me from seeing you, the overwhelming perfume and also glitter will keep some patrons out of the club entirely.

I will start off my saying that I am in a relationship. With that being said, I still like going to strip clubs. My girlfriend is fine with this, but within reason. If she knew, I went there twice a week after work, she would likely not be the happiest. Therefore, sometimes I do not tell her that I'm stopping there after work. Whether this is moral or ethical is out of the discussion at this point, since the focus is on what is best for dancers, clubs, and patrons.

Based on the above, perfume is an obvious give away that the guy was at a strip club. With dances, that sticks to you and your clothes. I have gotten the sniff and questioned on a few occasions and it was a dead giveaway where I was. For guys like me, this means that we either need to have a change of clothes waiting after or go to the gym after to rinse before going home. This is a huge inconvenience and reduces the frequency that I go to clubs, which results in loss of money from my end to dancers and the clubs.

As for glitter, the same points above apply plus more. When I was younger, I decided to stop at a club after work. I had an overall great time and was definitely going to return -- until I got home. When I got home, I noticed that my dress shoes were covered in glitter. I then had to spend the next 30 minutes or so trying to remove all the glitter from my shoes for work the next day. Super annoying and I never returned to that club wearing my work clothes again. Since the club was closer to work than home, this meant that I barely went there anymore. Again, loss of money from my end for the dancers and the club.

By far the best solution in my opinion other than good personal hygiene in general is... wet wipes! I know that this is not ground breaking and standard practice at many places. But dancers, use wet wipes frequently and skip the glitter and perfume. It will get me to walk through the door and continue visiting.


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avatar for Jascoi
2 years ago
that’s one of the reasons I’m glad I’m divorced. Having glitter or excessive perfume on does not detract me from enjoying a beautiful girl closeup.
avatar for OrangeClown
2 years ago
Good advice. We all don't have the benefits of @desertscrub, being able to simply shower with the male strippers after a night at the club.
avatar for Array
2 years ago
Don’t forget about the cheap lipstick and makeup. More than once I’ve had to change clothes before the wife saw my shirt.
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