
STRIPPING 101 - The Basics for New Dancers

So you have decided to give it a go. Good for you! Now to get started you first need to find a club that you like. In order to do this you will probably need to enlist the help of a male friend. Most clubs will not let you in without a male escort. Go to as many clubs as you can so that you find one you like best.
Go to the clubs around 10pm so you are able to see how busy it gets. Thursday-Saturday nights are the busiest. Watch how the girls dance on stage. Make note of the music played and the girls attire. Usually the club allows a big variety of music and costumes. Some cater to certain types of crowds though so be aware of that.
Next check out the VIP section where the girls give dances. Get some dances for yourself to see what type of contact is allowed. You'll be able to see other girls dancing in the room and just (subtley) watch what is going on. Some clubs allow alot more contact that others and you want to be comfortable while giving a dance (should you choose that club.)
Talk to the girls that work there. Find out the tip out rates ( how much you have to pay to work there each night). Ask them how the management treats their employees. Talk to the manager yourself and see how they talk to you and treat you.
Once you have found a couple clubs you like then find out what night their amatuer contest is (if they have one). That is the easiest way to audition. Make sure you are on time, with your makeup and hair fully done. Bring in some CD's with music that you like just in case they don't have what you want. Bring an extra outfit and pair of shoes, in case they want you to start that same night.
Most importantly, PRACTICE! It is hard to get used to new shoes so make sure you break them in. Grab a mirror and your favorite songs and dance in front of the mirror so you can see what looks best. You want to look sexy so be sure to practice going from step to step. If you are doing floor work (laying down, etc.) be sure to get into a standing position smoothly and vice versa. Click here for <a href="http://www.exoticdanceschool.com/index.p…" target="_blank">Exotic Dance Lessons</A>. They sell instructional exotic dance videos and books for exotic dancers.
You have to look your best at all times. You are portraying a fantasy. You want to be every part the lady and seductress. So let's touch on some things.
<B>HAIR:</B> Do something special. Don't just wash and go. Curl it or straighten it. Get the frizz out, get your roots covered up, etc. Use fragrant shampoos and conditioners or scented hairsprays. But don't overboard. Guys like to feel girls hair a lot so just make it touchable.
<B>NAILS:</B> Be clean. Do a quick inspection before you leave for work. Take care of any dirt or chipped nail polish. Get manicures and pedicures. You'll be surprised how many guys will want to massage your feet so keep them soft with lotion and pedicures.
<B>MAKE-UP:</B> This can be tricky. You want to do your makeup darker than usual because the clubs are pretty dark inside but you don't want to end up like Tammy Fae Baker either!! Do your blush and eyeliner and lipstick a bit darker. Or if you prefer then use a heavy gloss instead of lipstick. Always carry powder for the shiney spots that show up after a heavy dance session in the VIP or onstage.
<B>PERFUME:</B> Use it sparingly. Choose a subtle scent. The last thing a guy wants is to go home to his wife smelling like another woman. So use light scents or body sprays and lotions.
<B>BODY:</B> Go tanning or use a bronzer. It makes a world of difference in the black light. It makes you look healthier. Exercise. You are making money based on appearance so take the time to make sure you look good. Use clear deodorant for sure!! Carry breath mints. "Nuff said.
<B>CLOTHES:</B> This is the fun part of the job! Be creative. Wear stuff that you are comfortable in. Try new colors, experiment with new things. Thigh highs and garters are good accessories. To start off, I suggest getting 2 pairs of shoes. Black and white. They go with everything. Make sure to get slip guards. That is so important! Start off with a low heel (4 inches) until you get used to dancing in them. Get 4 thongs. 2 black and 2 white because they wear out fast since you wash them every night. I would say to start with about 4-6 outfits. Half should match the black and half the white. Pink, white, baby blue, etc. go with white. Black, dark blue, red, etc. go with black. Most girls carry a small purse with them. You can put your money in it, mints, powder, etc. Go to lingerie stores and tell them you are a dancer. They will usually give you a discount. Save all your receipts to use on your taxes.
Pick music that you are comfortable with but also go with the crowd. If it is mostly older white men then don't bust out with hard core rap. If you got a hip hop crowd then don't start playing country. You are performing for the crowd and generally the more they like the music the more money you will make in tips on stage. I usually try to do a slow song and a fast song for my set. Sometimes you only get to pick one song so make it count!!
This will make or break you so pay attention!
<B>STAGE:</B> Give lots of eye contact. Smile and wink and make every guy feel as if you are dancing just for him. It makes the guy feel special and he is more willing to tip you if you are having fun. Never look bored or unsure of yourself. Guys like confidence and like a girl who is fun to be around. If you look like you don't want to be there then they won't want to be there either and there goes your money.
<B>FLOOR:</B> Before you sit down, always ask if you can join him. He may have another girl he is waiting for. Never order a drink without him offering. It is rude and guys hate it. Always wait for him to ask. Ask his name and ask him about himself. Act interested. Touch his arm and make him feel important. Don't glance around the room or socialize with other girls. Talk to him for at least 2-3 songs before asking for a dance. Always be sure to say thank you for the dance or the drink or whatever. Show respect. You will gain more long term customers this way. After you give a dance always walk with him back to his table to say goodbye and thank you. If he is leaving then walk him to the door. Guys remember that kind of stuff and it makes a big difference. Trust me. No matter how tempting it is, don't complain about your night or your problems. Guys come in to get away from that. Don't lie and tell them you need the money for your car, rent, sick kids, etc. Every guy sees through that and it makes you look
very bad. Act like a lady and you will get treated like one.
Good Luck and Have Fun,


  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    Excellent article... from a guy's perspective, I think Celeste is &quot;right on&quot;.&nbsp; It always amazes me how many strippers do not have the common sense to figure these things out on their own...<br type="_moz" />
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    I went into a strip club once and during the LD she was talking about her kids, unemployed parents, special needs sister, u get the idea,&nbsp; I'm sorry but one problem is sufficent.&nbsp; If nothing else just say your working your way through college.<br />
    <br />
    I know this is somewhat pathetic but if you are of ethnicity and that is the guy's main turn-on/fantasy that should be your selling point
    <li>&nbsp;Blacks: should go for the strong ghetto feel/look</li>
    <li>Asians: a little broken english&nbsp;if only for effect.&nbsp; This line is also&nbsp;good for turning a guy into jelly&nbsp;Me so horny Me love you long time (FMJ)</li>
    <li>Latinas:&nbsp; Brush on your Spanish:&nbsp; A beautiful Latina grinding on your lap while speaking spanish is hot end of discussion</li>
  • randy77
    12 years ago
    It's silly for a girl to ask you your name. She meets multitudes and there's no way she's going to remember your name anyway. Who cares anyway. It's far more important for there to be eye contact rather than her looking around the room looking bored.
  • CaptObtuse
    12 years ago
    bigdude012's comments should be filed under, "Your Mileage May Vary." It is not, in my opinion, the "end of discussion." I personally think most Latinas are smokin' HOT, but if another one calls me "Pappi" I think I'll hurt someone. I'm much more interested in an elegant, sensitive, attractive Black woman than some ghetto ho'. Asians...well, everyone. Be yourself. Or, your character. Your stage persona. Whatever. Just don't assume we're all racists who want women to conform to some outmoded stereotype.
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