
My Evolution as a Monger - Part 4 - TUSCL Meetups

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For those of you who have not read the first two installments of this mongering opus and would like to catch up go to the following links.

Part 1 - /article.php5

Parts 2 & 3 - /article.php5

With everything I have done in terms of mongering, one of the most enjoyable parts to having found TUSCL is my interactions with other members from the site in person at the club. Having some of the most popular clubs in the country in your city makes it easy when fellow mongers come to town to have a good meeting spot to gain intel, swap stories and get to know one another.

Unbelievably, I have not had a bad experience with any of my meetups. I have met many guys from TUSCL and the very first meetup actually resulted in one of my closest friendships of the last seven years.

My first meet up was at Christie’s Caberet in Tempe where I met TABB. It was the club both of us frequented the most at that time. TABB is a really cool dude and we bonded well. We kept in regular contact for a number of years, but unfortunately I have lost contact with him over the last couple of years.

The first multi-monger meeting was at Hi-Liter in Phoenix. There were only four of us, myself, TABB, Mrrock and txtittyfan (not the troll (fag), but a legitimate good dude). We had a good time, got some dances and shared stories. I got to talking with Mrrock about things with strippers and other sites where he was trying to hook up with women. We exchanged numbers and continued to converse, We kept exchanging intel and advice. We both enjoyed going to the club that was known for its handshakes and he had experiences within the club I had not (FS), I had experiences in other areas of life I was advising him on as well. It was a good exchange. Through the years, Mrrock and I have gone clubbing together numerous times, we have gone to wrestling events together, met at Twin Peaks for UFC PPV’s and McGregor/Mayweather. I have met his parents and some of his other friends,, he has met my kids. Funny how a general meeting to discuss and enjoy strippers has turned into a friendship that is beyond strip clubs. Most of our conversations today are about other things in life. Unfortunately, I have not talked with txtittyfan since the meetup, back in January of 2012.

Through the years I have had the pleasure of meeting a number of you, here is a list of the mongers, I have been fortunate enough to meet.(if I forgot someone, I apologize).





Chilli Palmer






Not a long list by any stretch of the imagination (I could probably take that number and multiply it by 10 to match the number of members Shadowcat has met).

I have met up with JS69 on numerous occasions when his travels have brought him to Phoenix. His favorite dancer (the blow job queen) and her best friend at the club both provided us with oral satisfaction on one of the trips. Well, the blow job queen has satisfied JS on numerous occasions, this just happen to be a trip where her friend was also there.. On another visit, JS suggested to the dancer I was getting dances with on the floor we should get a room (man i miss those days where mileage was that good on the floor). The great thing about clubbing with JS is our taste in women are on totals opposite ends of the spectrum so we are never fighting over the same dancers.

There have been other fun meetups as well. One afternoon myself,, Mrrock and desertscrub met and we all went to VIP on this particular afternoon with different dancers and we all walked back out in the Phoenix heat a little lighter. I appreciate desertscrub for his intel on dancers at the club and he has the right attitude about the whole mongering game. He enjoys the interaction at the time, but doesn’t really give a rats ass about feelings.

I first met DaOnion at Hi-Liter on a meetup with JS69. Then last summer when I was asking questions on the discussion board about money conversion on an upcoming trip to TJ, he reached out as he was living in the area and was dating a dancer from HK. We met up, he gave me the lay of the land and we had a great time catching up. I also fucked 3 chicas that night, so it was a good night all around.

Not all of my meetups, resulted in all of us getting extras, but my meetups with guys like CP, AZDD, Lone_Wolf and Corvus were fun. It great to get to know these guys, we PM each other with intel and updates on our experiences. AZDD and I have the same fave who had been extras averse for awhile, but when she expanded her boundaries, we were able to let each other know. I met Lone_Wolf during one of the meetups with JS69. Another solid dude, it’s great watching other mongers and how they interact with the dancers. You can pick up some good techniques to use.

CP I just met for the first time last September (2017). A very experienced monger and one I tip my hat to. He has been in this game a long time and has so much knowledge and a solid game. I really enjoyed getting to know him and want to absorb all of the knowledge I can from him.

Corvus I met for the first time at Bourbon Street in Phoenix early in my mongering game.. I was just getting into things with my ATF at the time. Another guy it was good to get to know and one who I learned from watching how he interacted with the dancers. I have kept in touch with him through PM’s and texting through the years. We have tried to meet up on a few occasions since, but his trips have been to brief or the time he was in town didn’t work with my schedule. I look forward to clubbing with him again..

There have been mongers I was set to meet with, but circumstances prevented it.






There have been a couple of occasions with Shailynn. When we were both in vegas for the NCAA tournament and could never meet up. And just recently when I was back east in his neck of the woods, we tried to set things up but it was bad timing.

With Clackport, I was supposed to meet him in vegas one year, but it didn’t work out and then this past year he was coming to Phoenix for work, but his job changed where he had to go at the last minute.

etstuwigg, meat and ndnman were trying to make the meetup I had with CP and AZDD last September, but unfortunately, things didn’t work out. I think meat was also in the house when I met with desertscrub and Mrrock but we didn’t know he was there. We will have to make it a priority here soon.

There are plenty of mongers on this board I would love to club with. I am too afraid to make a list for fear I would forget someone. Needless to say, the list is long. One person I can name for sure is lopaw. I think everyone on the board would love to monger with her and see her go about her business ITC. For everyone else, please know that if you are in the Phoenix area and I’m available, I’d love to meet and exchange intel and stories.


My Mongering career while only having been serious for the last seven years, and having gone through many ups and downs, is seemingly more on the rarity side now. We all know that things go in stages in this game. This time last summer, I was all in on making multiple trips, I had my first threesome in TJ and it led to a two blowjob day in Chicago in September. Since those high points, my desire to go to clubs have diminished. The decline of one of my favorite Phoenix clubs have helped to make this decision along with the fact I have started a FWB relationship with my ex-girlfriend. No feelings, no presents, no relationship hangups. We hang out when we can (which isn’t on a regular basis due to scheduling conflicts) and have fun.

To be honest, I have taken a hiatus from clubbing. I have only been in a club once this year and haven’t been on TUSCL since September. I just took a look recently and noticed articles were being posted again.

At this point in my life, I don’t want a girlfriend, I will never get married again and being able to do what I want, when I want to (within reason :-)) is how I want to live my life. My kids are my life and I’m focused on them, so clubbing has taken a back seat and probably will for awhile. Those who have my number, feel free to reach out if you come to town, I’d still love to meet up. I still enjoy looking at and feeling up T&A.

Thanks for reading, this was cathartic for me to go back and reminisce over things and how my life has changed and how TUSCL and its brethren have helped me grow as a monger and seen my perspective change on what I want in life.


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avatar for clubdude
6 yrs ago

I had to read parts 1-3 before starting this part. Your parts 1 and 2 are similar to my experiences. Sad to say I have still not experienced OTC entertainment (I guess I'm too cheap or afraid of a set up). All in all well put article (s).

avatar for Corvus
6 yrs ago

Great article my friend. I've been laying low lately and just now getting around to reading new articles here on TUSCL. I hope to get back over there to see you soon but life is in an odd cycle right now.

Thanks for taking the time to write about your SC experiences. In many ways they mirror mine. Have fun out there.

avatar for JamesSD
6 yrs ago

Gotta ask, when you tell desertscrub about a club does he interrupt and say "Club Ad"?

Sorry, I had to. That dude calls any positive review an ad.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Yeah - I assume most SCers go thru stages - but some seem to enjoy SCs indefinitely.

Many SCers seem to have a fave club and a fave dancer they like to be with and visit every time - I myself I'm big into variety and the newness of a dancer I have never been with and don't know anything about excites me more than a dancer I've already been with and know what she's-like/has-to-offer - thus for me for the last year or so that "newness high" has mostly gone-away - I've been SCing fairly-regularly since 2000 but really been hardcore about it post joining TUSCL in early-2012 - by now I currently have a feeling of "been there done that" and there doesn't seem to be much newness about the game for me to get excited about.

It's been a long time since I've messed with civvies - I haven't had a GF in 8+ years and have not date in 4+ - pretty-much b/c that is the way that I wanted it - I didn't want to be dealing with the overhead inherent in most relationships or just dating - I didn't really need "romance", just wanted/needed access to women/their-bodies and it seemed/felt going the strip-club route satisfied my itch w/o the overhead of dealing w/ civilians.

For the first-time in a long-time I'm considering maybe trying the civvie-field once again - but I have a feeling I will quickly start feeling the same way I did when I did the civvie-thing years-back where I quickly got bored of the relationship once that new-car-smell wore off - I'm kinda on standby right now not clubbing-much nor pursuing civvie-world - neither of them has a super-strong appeal to me right-now so I guess I'll just chill till a particular direction draws me in.

For a long-time I couldn't see myself not wanting/enjoying SCs - but here we are LOL - life changes and so do we - I can't say I'm completely not enjoy SCs at the time, just mostly feels meh and again kinda a "been there done that" - when I was enjoying my SCing I hit it hard and spent a small fortune - I felt guilty/worried about all the $$$ I was spending but I was enjoying myself - now it doesn't make sense to keep spending big-$$$ on something that's just meh.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

w.r.t. TUSCL meet-ups - as many SCers in the past have posted in previous threads, I prefer to SC solo when I'm really hard-up for SCing - but I do enjoy meeting w/ fellow-TUSCLers from time to time and have had the pleasure of meeting 25+ fellow hobbyists and it's been fun hanging w/ them and trading SC war-stories.

For me when I'm meeting fellow TUSCLers, it's more about the social aspect of hanging w/ them vs the actual strip-clubbing - so most of my TUSCL meet-ups I'll mostly just hang and talk vs paying attention to the dancers - part of this is that most TUSCLers don't share my particular SCing niche (big-booty black clubs), thus most times we'll meet at a nice mixed-club where I rather not spend my $$$ and rather save it for my type of club.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

How do you and JohnSmith69's dancer preferences differ?

avatar for rh48hr
6 yrs ago

Corvus- I look forward to seeing you again my friend. Whenever you get to town.

James -that's funny ... No scrub is a cool dude. Lots of good Intel on Phoenix clubs and dancers.

Papi - JS prefers slimmer girls. I prefer girls a little thicker. He thinks thick is fat so we never have to share.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago


avatar for Phxer
6 yrs ago

Nice series

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