Using The System Part 3: A Pilgrim

I'm a disciple of The System, as in I absolutely and thoroughly believe in its merit. Like those who are enlightened by whatever religious book, I am similarly reading and studying The System, and asking myself what would RBD do?
What is The System?
More than a few ago years now, RBD published a Jerry McGuire like memo who's mission statement would read:
OTC is inevitable for a man in a white three piece suit -- 35% of the time within 18 months* (You can read more about it here /?
I'm no rookie. I have used the System successfully twice:
1st time.. .( /)
2nd time.. . ( /)
Success breeds confidence and confidence breeds success. I was feeling like my hero's hero Gordon Gecko.
But then some months had gone by, and I hadn't exactly continued with the great success of the past. Have to admit, my faith was being tested. It felt like I was doing everything right but still was yet to land OTC.
Having to book travels every weekend so I could fake the part of a friendly successful traveling businessman was getting expensive and grueling. The dry cleaning bill for my suits was also starting to add up.
It wasn't exactly a total disaster, I was successfully getting a few strippers to commit to maybe meeting at my hotel later after spending hours building trust in the VIP sections, but I get that it's hard to find a decent babysitter willing to stay the extra 30 mins. Also I'm starting to realize that GPS technology isn't as good as we think it is because some of the girls legitimately got lost on the way to the hotel, and I know they were trying to find me because I proved how serious I was by paying up front.
But as luck would have it, my 17th month third week and 6th day fell super close to Christmas Eve. Ho ho ho, I was sure to make Santa's naughty list with good intel, a lot of cash, and brilliant game planning.
Per RBD “Strippers get desperate for money at Christmas”, and with a few strategic words I would let them know that I would be willing to help out their situation for OTC. I decided the best place to target was Athens GA. What college student wouldn't need money to buy presents for their parents at Christmas.
There I was driving down I-85 on my way to college girls central, when my tire blew. Since I didn't want to lose it at the club, I didn't bring my cellphone with me (never do). I was sorta screwed and began making the long walk towards the closest off ramp. Fortunately a nice guy from San Jose driving a Winnebago stopped asked if I needed a ride. This guy chatted a lot, I wasn't trying to be rude, but we had past the several off ramps while he talked about everything from politics, massage parlors, to feeding Christians to lions. I explained to him that I was a man of faith and a follower of The System. To my surprise he was a non-practicing follower of The System. He said I do better with AMPs and said we were close to a good one Bai Lai Massage Parlor off the 85 and Burford Hwy. The way he explained it, I was doing everything right, treating these girls like women and making a real love connection. This guy fron San José seem to have all the answers. I was super excited a non-practicing follower of The System and he was successfully using AMPs to almost get Asian women to talk directly to him... ASIAN WOMEN. I didn't realize how powerful The System could be but I was really about to find out....
To Be Continued
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last commentI hate cliffhangers..,
The System (tm) sure as hell beats buying dances!
Led Zeppelin Live Performance - January 9th, 1970