Strip Club Etiquette: Dress, Attitude, Opinions

avatar for bigstevebull
In my time as a strip club visiter, I have seen a change in the way that men approach their experience at the club. This reality may come from a variety of factors. As I have aged, I now wear clothes that show more class and dignity. With this in mind, it has come to bother the younger generation and the casual dress, crazy attitude and general lack of class that they bring to the strip clubs. Most women work these clubs for money to support themselves, children and men who are not the best influence on their lives. The last thing they need are young boys to dress and act like pigs. This new perception of mine might be based on getting older,spending more time and money and clubs and may not reflect the attitude of many club patrons. Many younger men may repsond diffferently. i wanted to open this up for discussion and get some reaction from guys who have going to clubs for many years and young guns just starting out. We all love ass and titties. We need to find a way to enjoy all this without incident.


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avatar for RocStarsky
14 years ago
The young guns would include me! <br />
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As a teen I dressed more thuggish as I was influenced by the rap music industry and hanging around the people with my style and personality. As I grew up, I quickly fell out of that spot and dressed cleanly with class. I mainly dress casual on a daily basis and that depends on where I go and how I try to present myself to the public. If i'm going to olive garden, I'm dressing casual. If i'm going to a four star restaurant, I'm going to dress to that level of class. Ironed collar shirt is a must with either slacks or decent denim jean, leaving out any drama and coming in with a fresh gentleman-like attitude. If I'm going to a strip club, even if it be dirty or clean, I am dressing no less than casual. Girls are there to look and smell good for patrons. They bring their A and B game. I'm going to do the same. I'm going to look good, clean and fresh, just as they are to me. I think of it as a sign of respect and interest to dancers than anything else. We should have mutual respect in the club. As far as attitude in the club, I stay excited and full of energy. It is a club and you are there to have a good time.&nbsp; If its a high-class SC, I'm going to treat it as a 4 or 5 star restaurant, no exception. <br />
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I think age is a big factor in how we dress, but it is not a complete contributor to our fashion. One can dress thuggish on a consistent basis from age 16 to 32 and not change at all. Personality, age, style, the people I hang out with, the places I go, the area where I live, and the media all have an affect of how I dress. Our fashion sense change every so often, I think I heard every decade, and I change when there is a new fashion trend. I like to keep up to date with things. Btw, I am in my early 20's and I'm out here in California. One other thing I like to say is that alcohol is a major factor in how we act in a club, whether it be a dance/night club or a strip club. SCs in california do not carry or serve alcohol. This is probably a big reason why there are less rowdiness patrons here than in other states. I just lay back, be comfortable, treat dancers and staff with respect, always having a smile all while being sober. Californication! <br type="_moz" />
avatar for troop
14 years ago
a variation of this thread is here..<a href="… />
<br />…
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
I don't think that it's your age as much as your overall station in life that determines your style of dress, not only in SC's but anywhere. My SC dress style ranges from the casual (jeans &amp; tshirt) to business attire (blouse &amp; slacks). How you dress in a club can also reflect your overall respect (or lack-there-of) for women in general.<br />
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RocStarsky - they most certainly DO sell alcohol here in California SC's - in topless or bikini bars. Maybe you just THINK you're in Cali.....<br type="_moz" />
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
I recently bought a pair of microfiber shorts following a recent discussion on TUSCL.&nbsp; Haven't had an opportunity to use them yet though just getting them out of the box and trying them on I was impressed.&nbsp; In another week I'm gonna put em through their paces.
avatar for RocStarsky
14 years ago
microfiber shorts! i think i read that on here too. jeans arent really the best thing to wear when getting a dance. could also be rough on the dancer's skin also the material is not thin and&nbsp; its like putting on a thick condom, if you know what i mean. <br />
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lopaw - almost forgot about the bikini bars and just topless bars? never thought these would go under the category of a strip club. if you ask me if these establishments are considered strip clubs, i'd say no. and ofcourse they sell alcohol at bikini bars. let me be more specific. they dont sell alcohol in fully nude strip clubs in Cali. tell me if i am wrong again.<br type="_moz" />
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
&nbsp;Mostly I visit clubs after work, so I'm usually suited up, DC style (dark suit, white shirt, conservative tie, wing tips). &nbsp;Funny thing is, dancers will often compliment me on my look, but back&nbsp;in the lap dance room they&nbsp;seem to enjoy messing around with my outfit. &nbsp;Ties seldom lasts past the first dance. &nbsp;Shirts get unbuttoned and untucked next. &nbsp;For some reason, one dancer likes to roll my pants legs up and pull my socks down (one day I have to rembember to ask her what's up with that). &nbsp;<br />
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Anyway, I know I've had a good visit when I stumble out looking like a homeless person who slept in his clothes. &nbsp;<br type="_moz" />
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
Dressing for success in a club will get you a hottie a lot quicker than raggedy clothes. From the insiders (strippers) I hear that strippers look at teeth, shoes, and overall appearance. If he's got bad teeth (bad breath &amp; B.O.), what else is he neglecting ? If he's got raggedy shoes, he probably doesn't have much in his pocket. And if his hair is messed up and his clothes are&nbsp;stained, again, probably doesn't have much in his&nbsp;pocket. &nbsp;
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
RocStarsky - you're right in that Cali nude clubs do not serve alcohol. But a topless club is very much considered a stripclub (bikini too) since the ladies there do indeed.....strip! <br type="_moz" />
<span style="font-size: small">It seems that there could be a reasonable &quot;sweet spot&quot; bracketed somewhere between looking like you stepped out of a DC or Manhattan&nbsp; corporate/law office, and dressed in torn jeans and stained &quot;I don't care&quot; logo t-shirt looking like you just stepped in cow shit.</span>
avatar for budinga
14 years ago
Many times I have gone into a club dressed casually, not in jeans, and would be approached by a dancer quicker than if I where wearing jeans. I believe the perception of class gives the dancer the feeling that they will be treated with class or respect. I can imagine the majority of the time the ladies have to deal with real jerks. They put up with it because dancing is their source of income. If someone comes in not looking like a pig, she may feel that there could be some quality time and a better chance of making better money.
avatar for crashneddie
14 years ago
Quite true, pollychuck. I've noticed as I've gotten older that I'm quite more presentable when entering clubs these days. When I first started (about 20 years ago), I wore what I could afford (jeans, t-shirt, etc.) After observing and learning how clubs work, how the entertainers make their choices, in addition to making a lot more money now than I did then; I dress for "success" when planning my trips to clubs. Business/Executive casual seems to work best as well as having the added benefit of being made of softer, better quality materials. This has resulted in a marked improvement in LD's, more casual contact (even in non-LD areas). Nice shoes, good wristwatch, silver bracelet, hair neat, and always freshly showered. I enter a club and in record breaking time have entertainers competing for my attentions!

If you look like you do well in the outside world, remain a gentleman, handle yourself well and do not take any drama or cr*p from less experienced entertainers or staff, you can succeed in managing your club experience.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
14 years ago
It's true the only a major loser enjoys disrespecting other people. But the club owners are the ones who decide what sort of dress is appropriate, there's no issue of respect to the dancers involved in that.
avatar for snuff_me_out
14 years ago
I'm 21 and tonight I went to a full nude club, that through appearence and location (but not the girls) was rougher. As such I dressed casual, as in t-shirt and jeans. I felt if I was to have cooch rubbed on my crotch I'd wish to wear something low maintenance. Like the rest of my life, though especially in reference to SC's, I will dress appropriate to the location. If I was ever to attend a nicer establishment though I must say I will not be against a nicer outfit. For the moment though, the places I frequent do not warrant or recommend nicer dress.
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