For $20 I didn't think the LD's were terrible. Granted little to zero mileage would be allowed depending on the dancer but I've gotten far worse dances in the past. I def agree the VIP was a waste and would never do it again.
I see a few comments and I apologize. It's been awhile since I've been out of the game for a bit so I'll try to be more detailed in the future guys. One of the things mentioned was I forgot to mention prices. I remember the LD's being $20 each but I'll have to go back and check the VIP, IIRC it was like 15 min for 100 or 120 or something but I'm not 100% sure.
As for dancers.. I did an LD with Eva and Patience. Patience was strict w/ rules - no touching, hands in check, etc. Eva was more lenient w/ some occasional boob or ass grabbing but still infrequent (but more than Patience). I'd say Patience had the nicer tits but since I couldn't really test them out Eva gets the nod lol. The VIP was with Eva and the same - really just a longer LD w/ some occasional lil grazing allowed. No groping. I told her to let me know if I went too far or too much but I also made sure to not even come close to pushing the limits so she had no issues.
Comments made by Sephiroth